Azure bicep现在不支持多层循环嵌套,因此只能使用一个数组 var assignments = [ for sp in servicePrincipals: map(sp.roles, role => { objectId: sp.objectId role: role }) ] var assignmentArray = flatten(assignments) 第三步:使用循环进行roleAssignment的创建 resource roleAssignments 'Microsoft.Authori...
Azure bicep现在不支持多层循环嵌套,因此只能使用一个数组 var assignments = [ for sp in servicePrincipals: map(sp.roles, role => { objectId: sp.objectId role: role }) ] var assignmentArray = flatten(assignments) 第三步:使用循环进行roleAssignment的创建 resource roleAssignments 'Microsoft.Authoriza...
Azure bicep现在不支持多层循环嵌套,因此只能使用一个数组 var assignments = [ for sp in servicePrincipals: map(sp.roles, role => { objectId: sp.objectId role: role }) ] var assignmentArray = flatten(assignments) 第三步:使用循环进行roleAssignment的创建 resource roleAssignments 'Microsoft.Authoriza...
Azure bicep现在不支持多层循环嵌套,因此只能使用一个数组 var assignments = [ for sp in servicePrincipals: map(sp.roles, role => { objectId: sp.objectId role: role }) ] var assignmentArray = flatten(assignments) 第三步:使用循环进行roleAssignment的创建 resource roleAssignments 'Microsoft.Authoriza...
本快速入门中使用的 Bicep 文件来自 Azure 快速入门模板。 Bicep 文件具有两个参数和一个资源部分。 请注意,资源部分包含角色分配的三个要素:安全主体、角色定义和作用域。Bicep 复制 @description('Specifies the role definition ID used in the role assignment.') param roleDefinitionID string @description('...
创建角色分配 Bicep 模块 将以下内容复制并粘贴到工作目录中名为role-assignment.bicep的文件。 该模块授予系统分配的标识在 VI 帐户的存储帐户上存储 Blob 数据参与者的角色。 cli复制 @secure() param servicePrincipalObjectId string param storageAccountName string @description('Storage Blob Data Contributor Role...
Get-AzRoleAssignment-ResourceGroupName$mrgname-RoleDefinitionNameOwner 您也可以列出受控資源群組的否定性指派。 Azure PowerShell Get-AzDenyAssignment-ResourceGroupName$mrgname 清除資源 當您完成使用受控應用程式時,您可以刪除資源群組,這樣會移除您建立的所有資源。 例如,您已建立資源群組bicepAppRG及具有前置詞...
To learn about how to define role assignments by using Bicep, see Create Azure RBAC resources by using Bicep. For a quickstart example, see Quickstart: Assign an Azure role using Bicep.PrerequisitesTo assign Azure roles, you must have:Microsoft...
, the bicep code performs the following steps: creates a new user-defined managed identity. assign the new managed identity to the cognitive services user role with the resource group as a scope. federate the managed identity with the service account used by the cha...
Another note, this naming convention tries to cover parts of the API which you cannot make with Terraform, so in those occurrences, terraform-compliance won't have a test for these. To save confusion and for all the ARM/Bicep/Pulumi users, we have added the resource entity API names to ...