param location string = resourceGroup().location 可以使用另一个参数值来生成默认值。 以下模板基于站点名称构造主机计划名称。Bicep 复制 param siteName string = 'site${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}' param hostingPlanName string = '${siteName}-plan' output siteNameOutput string = siteName out...
{0}', uniqueString(resourceGroup().id))]", "metadata": { "description": "Azure Cosmos DB account name, max length 44 characters" } }, "location": { "type": "string", "defaultValue": "[resourceGroup().location]", "metadata": { "description": "Location for the Azure Cosmos DB ...
2Resource Manager returns a list of tag name and values in the subscription only when the number of unique tags is 80,000 or less. A unique tag is defined by the combination of resource ID, tag name, and tag value. For example, two resources with the same tag name and value wou...
az graph query -q "AdvisorResources | where type == 'microsoft.advisor/recommendations' | where properties.category == 'Cost' | extend resources = tostring(properties.resourceMetadata.resourceId), savings = todouble(properties.extendedProperties.savingsAmount), solution = tostring(properties.shortDesc...
GET{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{vmName}?api-version=2024-07-01 With optional parameters: HTTP Copy GET{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup...
2Resource Manager returns a list of tag name and values in the subscription only when the number of unique tags is 80,000 or less. A unique tag is defined by the combination of resource ID, tag name, and tag value. For example, two resources with the same tag name and value would ...
var telemetry = new Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient(); telemetry.TrackTrace("Slow database response", SeverityLevel.Warning, new Dictionary<string,string> { {"database", db.ID} }); JavaJava 複製 Map<String, Integer> properties = new HashMap<>(); properties.put("Database", db...
user [ ~/anf-with-azureml-main ]$ az ml compute create -n cpu-cluster --type amlcompute --min-instances 0 --max-instances 1 --size Standard_F16s_v2 --vnet-name $vnet_name --subnet aml --idle-time-before-scale-down 1800{ "id": "/subscriptions/<number>...
Event ID 6013: System uptime, use to find Citrix servers that are not getting rebooted after patching. Citrix StoreFront Servers In addition to the counters for all Citrix Servers, enable the following custom performance counters for your Citrix StoreFront servers. The counters monitor for poor p...