实体范围长度有效的字符 associations 资源组 1-180 不得使用:%&\\?/ 或控制字符不得以句点或空格结尾。 resourceProviders 资源组 3-64 不得使用:%&\\?/ 或控制字符不得以句点或空格结尾。Microsoft.DataBox展开表 实体范围长度有效的字符 jobs 资源组 3-24 字母数字、连字符、下划线字符和句点。Microsoft...
Azure Resource Manager Bicep 可以在Cloud Shell中运行以下命令。 有关az resource命令的详细信息,请访问此页。ipSecurityRestrictionsDefaultAction的可接受值为Allow或Deny。 Azure CLI az resource update--resource-groupResourceGroup--nameAppName--resource-type"Microsoft.Web/sites"\--setproperties.siteConfig.ip...
api-version=2022-03-01 操作示例步骤为: 获取Web Apps 配置信息(其中包含Access Restrictions) Request Method:GET Request URL:https://management.chinacloudapi.cn/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{name}/config/web?api-version=2022-03-01 Reques...
获取Web Apps 配置信息(其中包含Access Restrictions)Request Method:GETRequest URL: management.chinacloudapi.cn{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{name}/config/web?api-version=2022-03-01Request Authorization:如是临时性操作,可以通过浏览器(开发者模式F12-->...
The restrictions because of which SKU cannot be used. This is empty if there are no restrictions.
Checks what restrictions Azure Policy will place on resources within a management group. Request Path: /providers/{managementGroupsNamespace}/managementGroups/{managementGroupId}/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/checkPolicyRestrictionsOperation Id: Pol
You can choose the lab’s resource group for all VMs to be created in going forward. You can choose an existing resource group other than the lab’s resource group for all VMs to be created in going forward. You can enter a new resource group name for all VMs to be created in going...
You can choose the lab’s resource group for all VMs to be created in going forward. You can choose an existing resource group other than the lab’s resource group for all VMs to be created in going forward. You can enter a new resource group name for all VMs to be created in going...
group, or work tracking category. For example, you can create a query to find all work items that are assigned to members of the Contributors group or to a team. Team groups are created when you create a team. The name of team groups follows the pattern [Team Project Name]\Team Name....
<guidisPermaLink="false">https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/azurecat/?p=5385</guid> <description> <![CDATA[ The AzureCAT blog is moving to a new home on Microsoft Tech Community!... ]]> </description> <content:encoded> <![CDATA[ The AzureCAT blog is moving to a new home on Microso...