denyAssignments 否 diagnosticSettings 否 diagnosticSettingsCategories 否 elevateAccess 否 eligibleChildResources 否 锁定 否 policyAssignments 否 policyDefinitions 否 policyExemptions 否 policySetDefinitions 否 privateLinkAssociations 否 resourceManagementPrivateLinks 是 roleAssignmentApprovals 否 roleAssignments 否 rol...
filesystem filesGet 用户使用文件 API 或卷 UI 下载文件。 - path- transferredSize filesystem filesPut 用户使用文件 API 或卷 UI 上传文件。 - path- receivedSize filesystem filesDelete 用户使用文件 API 或卷 UI 删除文件。 - path filesystem filesHead 用户使用文件 API 或卷 UI 获取有关文件的信息。
az role assignment create-g{ResourceGroupName}--assignee{AibrpSpOid}--roleContributor 若要在门户中实现此解决方案,请按照本文档中的说明操作:使用 Azure 门户分配 Azure 角色 - Azure RBAC。 对于步骤 1:确定所需的范围:所需的范围是资源组。 对于步骤 3:选择适当的角色:角色为参与者。
Actions to exclude from that the deny assignment does not grant access. C# publicSystem.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<string> NotActions {get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<String> Applies to ProductVersions Azure SDK for .NETLatest, Preview ...
Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Deny log on through Remote Desktop Services 检查以下 Microsoft Entra 策略,确保它们不会删除任何必需的访问帐户: Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Access this...
Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Deny log on through Remote Desktop Services 检查以下 Microsoft Entra 策略,确保它们不会删除任何必需的访问帐户: Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Access this...
When can these be used for assignment to Microsoft 365 groups via Dynamic membership rules? Use case: We want to update user attributes from our HRIS system on Employee type, i.e. FTE, Contractor, etc Then we want to create Microsoft 365 groups based on these values...
These resource types do not allow Policy exemptions on resources due to deny assignments. Workaround is to use exclusions at the assignment level. Microsoft.Databricks/* Resource types with unsupported property names Currently Azure Policy supports only alphanumeric characters for property and alias na...
Scroll down to the<system.identityModel>section. You’ll notice that theidentityConfiguration/AudienceURIelement still contains the old APP ID URI value: change it to the new value you entered in the Windows Azure Management Portal, as in the following. ...
{topost} net: hns3: fix for reset_level default assignment probelm" - Revert "UBUNTU: SAUCE: {topost} net: hns3: remove unnecessary ring configuration operation while resetting" - Revert "UBUNTU: SAUCE: {topost} net: hns3: fix return value error in hns3_reset_notify_down_enet" - ...