将原始 location 替换为要在其中进行部署的新区域,如 westus2、southeastasia 等。若要获取区域位置代码,请参阅 Azure 位置。 区域的代码是不含空格的区域名称,“美国中部” = centralus。 JSON 复制 "variables": {}, "resources": [ { "type": "microsoft.devtestlab/labs", "location": "centralus"...
Within these geographies, Azure is available or coming soon to the following regions: South Central US, West US, West US 2, West US 3, Central US, East US, East US 2, East US 3, West Central US, North Central US, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Canada Central, Canada East, Chile ...
執行az configure以設定您的預設區域。 將<REGION>換成您選擇的區域名稱。 Azure CLI az configure--defaultslocation=<REGION> 此範例會將westus2設定為預設區域: Azure CLI az configure--defaultslocation=westus2 建立Bash 變數 您將在此建立 Bash 變數,讓設定程序更方便且較不容易出錯。 使用變數代表共用文字...
Within these geographies, Azure is available or coming soon to the following regions: South Central US, West US, West US 2, West US 3, Central US, East US, East US 2, East US 3, West Central US, North Central US, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Canada Central, Canada East, Chile ...
You create Azure resources in defined geographic regions like 'West US', 'North Europe', or 'Southeast Asia'. You can review the list of regions and their locations. Within each region, multiple datacenters exist to provide for redundancy and availability. This approach gives you flexibility as...
Choose a region from the drop-down, such as West US 2. Be sure to deploy all subsequent resources to this location as well. Select Review + create to review your resource parameters, and then select Create to create your resource group. Create network ...
{ "name": "myVM", "id": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/myVM", "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines", "location": "West US", "tags": { "myTag1": "tagValue1" }, "etag": "\"1\"", "properties": {...
一个region有多个zones,每个zones有多个data center What's the relationship between country, geography, region and zone? Explain it with country China and US In Microsoft Azure, a country or region is a geographical location where Azure has data centers. A geography is a discrete market, typically...
location: specifies the region (e.g., westeurope) where deploying the Azure resources. \n admin_group_object_ids: when deploying an AKS cluster with Azure AD and Azure RBAC integration, this array parameter contains the list of Azure AD group object IDs that will ha...
Run the followingaz vm list-usagecommand to list the GPU quota in the US West region. Azure CLI复制 打开Cloud Shell az account showaz vm list-usage-lwestus-otable | grep"Name\b\|---\|\(NV\|NVSv3\|NCASv3_T4\|A10v5\)\b"| (sed-u2q; sort) ...