Additional advantages of region pairs include:In the event of a wider Azure outage, one region is prioritized out of every pair to help reduce the time to restore for applications. Planned Azure updates are rolled out to paired regions one at a time to minimize downtime and risk of ...
In the event of a wider Azure outage, one region is prioritized out of every pair to help reduce the time to restore for applications. Planned Azure updates are rolled out to paired regions one at a time to minimize downtime and risk of application outage. ...
pair them. For example, you can use Azure services such asAzCopyto schedule data backups to an Azure Storage account in a different region. UsingAzure DNS and Azure Traffic Manager, you can design a resilient architecture for your applications that will survive the loss of the primary region...
Windows Azure 表格將資料儲存成資料實體的集合(collection of entities),實體類似於資料列,一個實體有一個主鍵(primary key)以及屬性的集合,一個屬性是一組鍵值對(name/value pair),如同資料欄位般。 要存取 Windows Azure 表格儲存服務,你可使用相容於 WCF Data Services (舊稱ADO.NET Data Service Framework)的...
The supportedregions listprovides the locations where Azure AI Search is offered. Currently, several regions are at capacity for specific tiers and can't be used for new search services. If you use the Azure portal to create a search service, the portal excludes any region-tier combinations tha...
Do my VNets need to be in the same region? No. The virtual networks can be in the same or different Azure regions (locations). If the VNets aren't in the same subscription, do the subscriptions need to be associated with the same Active Directory tenant? No. Can I use VNet-to-VNet...
Azure policies can control aspects such as tagging, permitted SKUs, encryption, Azure region, and naming convention. There are default policies available and the capability to enforce custom policies. Azure policies can be applied at the subscription or Resource Group level. Multiple policies can be...
POST { "id": "mypool001", "vmSize": "Standard_A1_v2", "virtualMachineConfiguration": { "imageReference": { "publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer", "offer": "WindowsServer", "sku": "2016-datacenter-smalldisk", "version":...
POST { "id": "mypool001", "vmSize": "Standard_A1_v2", "virtualMachineConfiguration": { "imageReference": { "publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer", "offer": "WindowsServer", "sku": "2016-datacenter-smalldisk", "version":...
and resources that use the 'global' region.","metadata":{"version":"1.0.0","category":"General"},"parameters":{"listOfAllowedLocations":{"type":"Array","metadata":{"description":"The list of locations that can be specified when deploying resources.","strongType":...