During the demo of this article, we discussed, how we can enable the soft delete feature in Azure Blob Storage to recover blob storage data that is erroneously deleted. This feature also helps to recover deleted blob snapshots. This adds one more layer to the data protection strategy and prev...
Premium block blob storage Account management Create a storage account Upgrade a storage account Recover a deleted storage account Lock a storage account Get account configuration properties Relocate a storage account to another region Classic storage account retirement Data Lake Storage Data transfer and ...
POST {vaultBaseUrl}/deletedkeys/{key-name}/recover?api-version=7.4 URI 参数 展开表 名称在必需类型说明 key-name path True string 已删除密钥的名称。 vaultBaseUrl path True string 保管库名称,例如 https://myvault.vault.azure.net。 api-version query True string 客户端 API 版本。 响应 展...
$deleted- 指定“True”以仅列出软删除对象,“False”以仅列出非软删除对象(活动对象 - 默认值),或指定“All”以列出活动和软删除对象 $blobType- 选择“Base”仅列出基本 Blob(默认值),“Snapshots”仅列出快照,“Versions”仅列出版本,“Versions+Snapshots”仅列出版本和快照,或“所有类型”列出所有对象(基本 B...
storage account or retrieve any of the content that it contained before deletion. Be sure to back up anything you want to save before you delete the account. This also holds true for any resources in the account—once you delete a blob, table, queue, or file, it is permanently deleted....
Configure backup retention using Azure Blob storage Recover using backups Create failover group Configure security for geo-replicas Configure license-free standby replica Migrate to availability zone Monitor & Tune Hyperscale databases Security Performance ...
用于计算Azure Storage Account中Container中Blob类型文件的数量和大小,脚本中允许按照容器,层(热/冷/归档),前缀,软删除/非软删除来计算数量和容量大小, 默认使用的时间为以Blob的最后修改时间作为参考。 执行结果参考: 参数介绍 所有值都是强制性的,有些可以为空,参考如下的描述以及脚本中解释。
用于计算Azure Storage Account中Container中Blob类型文件的数量和大小,脚本中允许按照容器,层(热/冷/归档),前缀,软删除/非软删除来计算数量和容量大小, 默认使用的时间为以Blob的最后修改时间作为参考。 执行结果参考: 参数介绍 所有值都是强制性的,有些可以为空,参考如下的描述以及脚本中解释。
When turned on, soft delete enables you to save and recover your data where blobs or blob snapshots are deleted. This protection extends to blob data that is erased as the result of an overwrite. How does it work? When data is deleted, it transitions to a soft deleted state instead of ...
from the Key Vault. This issue is typically caused by the end user. One of the prerequisites to use Azure Cosmos DB with customer-managed keys is that the Key Vault has soft delete and purge protection enabled. This means you can recover the deleted key and restore access to Azure Cosmos...