像AWS 一样,Microsoft Azure 构建于一组核心计算、存储、数据库和网络服务之上。 在许多情况下,平台提供类似的产品和服务。 例如,AWS 和 Azure 都可以使用 Linux 分发版和开源软件技术。 这两个平台都支持在 Windows 或 Linux 主机上构建高度可用的解决方案。
AWS serviceAzure serviceDescription AWS LambdaAzure Functions,WebJobsin Azure App ServiceAzure Functions is the primary equivalent of AWS Lambda in providing serverless, on-demand code. AWS Lambda functionality also overlaps with Azure WebJobs, which let you schedule or continuously run background tasks...
透過直接連線模式 (目前為預覽版),使用者可以搭配使用 Azure Resource Manager 與 Azure 入口網站,來部署和管理已啟用 Azure Arc 的資料服務。 Azure 角色型存取控制 (RBAC) 可用於進行安全性驗證和控制。 此外,系統也會自動將詳細目錄、記錄、計量和計費資訊傳送至 Azure。
Although there is no direct equivalent in Azure, there are two concepts that are similar:Azure User Assigned Managed Identity(although it cannot beassumedby “users” but can only be assigned to “resources”) andAzure AD Workload Identity Federation(i.e., which makes the ...
AWS 方案指引 模式 AWS 規定指引模式 分析 在Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 中分析 Amazon Redshift 資料 使用Amazon Athena 和 Amazon 分析巢狀JSON資料並將其視覺化 QuickSight 自動化 Glue AWS 中的加密強制執行 建置影片處理管道 使用Glue 建置從 Amazon S3 到 Amazon Redshift...
AWS服务:亚马逊 S3 Summary 此模式描述如何使用克隆将数据从 Microsoft Azure Blob 对象存储迁移到 Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) 存储桶。您可使用此模式对数据执行一次性迁移或持续同步。Rclone 是用 Go 编写的命令行程序,用于跨云提供商的各种存储技术移动数据。
Copy an entire AWS S3 bucket, or even multiple buckets, to Azure Blob Storage using AzCopy. Previously, if you wanted to migrate your data from AWS S3 to Azure Blob Storage, you had to bring up a client between the cloud providers to read the data from AWS to then put it in Azure ...
MayFeatureAzure RBAC (role-based access control, generally available). MayAPI2022-09-01 Management REST API, with support for configuring search to use Azure roles. TheAz.Searchmodule of Azure PowerShell andAz searchmodule of the Azure CLI are updated to support search service authentication option...
Similar to AWS’s IAM role, GCP enables providing access to a type of proxy identity called a “service account.” As in AWS, cloud functions (the GCP Lambda equivalent) can have a service account attached to them and the cloud function can then use the permissions granted to that service...
Map it with equivalent Azure AKS role-based access control (RBAC) roles. For more information, see Kubernetes workload identity and access. Modify the manifest files to replace AWS-specific settings with Azure-specific settings, like annotations. Apply manifests to AKS: Connect to AKS Cluster. ...