PronunciationAssessmentResult(result: SpeechRecognitionResult)参数展开表 名称说明 result 必需 语音识别结果 属性accuracy_score 指示给定语音的发音准确性的分数,指示音素与母语人士的发音的匹配程度completeness_score 通过计算发音词与整个输入的比率来指示给定语音完整性的分数。content...
下表列出了可为 PronunciationAssessmentConfig 对象设置的一些可选方法。备注 内容和韵律评估仅在 en-US 区域设置中提供。 若要浏览内容和韵律评估,请升级到 SDK 版本 1.35.0 或更高版本。 主题参数没有长度限制。展开表 方法说明 EnableProsodyAssessment 为发音评估启用韵律评估。 此功能评估重...
Go to Pronunciation assessment in the Azure AI Foundry portal. On the Reading tab, choose a supported language that you want to evaluate the pronunciation. You can use provisioned text samples or enter your own script. When reading the text, you should be close to microphone to make sure ...
Create Pronunciation assessment(V1) Creates a new pronunciation assessment.Create Pronunciation assessment(V1)Operation ID: SpeechRecognitionConversationCognitiveServices Creates a new pronunciation assessment. Parameters Izvērst tabulu NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription AudioContent AudioContent True binary The fil...
Pronunciation Assessment (prosody, grammar, vocabulary, topic) Real-time:$-per hour per feature Batch (Continuous Language identification, Diarization): Included in Standard/Customised (no extra charge) Conversation Transcription Multichannel AudioPREVIEW$-per hour2 ...
Pronunciation Assessment (prosody, grammar, vocabulary, topic) Real-time:$-per hour per feature Batch (Continuous Language identification, Diarization): Included in Standard/Custom (no extra charge) Conversation Transcription Multichannel AudioPREVIEW$-per hour2 ...
Azure Cognitive Services introduces Custom Neural Voice Lite, a new feature in public preview, which enables users to clone their voice by recording just 5...
Pronunciation-Assessment指定用于在识别结果中显示发音分数的参数,这些参数评估语音输入的发音质量,并具有准确性、流畅性、完整性等指标。此参数是 Base64 编码的 json,其中包含多个详细的参数。可选 Content-type描述所提供音频数据的格式和编解码器。 接受的值为 audio/wav; codecs=audio/pcm; samplerate=16000 和...
Developer Code of Conduct Developers using Cognitive Services, including this client library & sample, are expected to follow the “Developer Code of Conduct for Microsoft Cognitive Services”, found at
微软在其Azure语音服务添加发音评估(Pronunciation Assessment)功能,该功能可以评估语音发音,提供说话者有关语音准确性和流畅度的反馈,现在该功能美国英语已经正式上市,其他语言则提供预览版本。发音评估是Azure认知服务中,语音服务的一项功能,可提供主观与客观语音评估反馈,有助于以计算机辅助语言学习的效果,微软提到...