本文介绍: Azure Database for MySQL 安全连接的第三种方式:Private endpoint connections 案例:创建MySQL private endpoint connection; 在相同VNET里的VM里通过private endpoint 连接到MySQL; 跨VNET的 VM…
$VMResourceGroupName $subnet = $vnet | Select -ExpandProperty subnets | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq '<subnetName>'} $privateEndpoint = New-AzPrivateEndpoint ` -ResourceGroupName $vmResourceGroupName ` -Name $privateEndpointName ` -Location $location ` -Subnet $subnet ` -PrivateLink...
az network private-endpoint delete \ --name <private-endpoint-name> \ --resource-group <resource-group-name> \ 启用公共访问 在某些情况下,可能希望允许某人通过公共终结点(而不是通过虚拟网络)连接到受保护的工作区。 或者,你可能想要从虚拟网络中删除工作区,并重新启用公共访问。 重要 启用公共访问不会...
云计算 什么是云计算? 什么是云迁移? 什么是混合云? 什么是 AI? 什么是 PaaS? 什么是 IaaS? 什么是 SaaS? 什么是 DevOps? 中文(中国) 你的隐私选择 消费者健康隐私 与Microsoft 联系 隐私 管理Cookie 使用条款 商标 关于我们的广告 京ICP备09042378号-6 © Microsoft 2024与...
1.我们先创建Azure VNet,Azure VM和Storage Account资源。步骤略。 2.创建Storage Account的Private Endpoint。如下图: 3.在Windows Server域控制器里,设置条件转发。如下图: 4.在Windows Server域控制器里,运行命令: nslookup leiavdstorage001.blob.core.chinacloudapi.cn ...
注意,在本文中,我们只讨论公开多租户PaaS服务的方法,而没有讨论“私有链接服务”( “Private Link Service”),它允许服务提供者通过私有链接向客户端公开服务。 服务端点(Service EndPoint) 服务端点是引入的第一个允许锁定多租户服务的服务。服务端点允许您将对PaaS资源的访问限制为来自Azure虚拟网络的流量。对于服务...
{"storageAccountName":"the storage account to receive data","storageAccountEndPoint":"the hostname suffix for the cloud for this account","storageAccountSasToken":"SAS access token","mdsdHttpProxy":"HTTP proxy settings","sinksConfig": { ... } } ...
Assign public IP addresses to your virtual machines so they become directly addressable, and eliminate the need to map an endpoint for direct access. Once you're done, you'll be able to do things like run FTP servers in Azure and monitor virtual machines directly using their IPs. The ...
Indeed, using the Service Endpoint feature, the traffic is not directed directly to a service (our SA in our example), but to the Storage category of Azure. Well, we will see that Microsoft offers another feature, namely Private Link, which allows you to directly consume a PaaS service, ...
Public endpoint connectivity for Virtual Machines using Azure Standard Load Balancer in SAP high-availability scenarios