You'll continue to see the previous Azure offer in the price list.If you enrolled on or after July 21, 2021:You won't see the previous Azure offer in the price list.Important If a customer has not been transitioned to an Azure plan (such as Modern Azure, 17G offer), then the ...
UnitPrice单价 PricingTierRangeMin分层定价中应用的最低价格 PricingTierRangeMax分层定价中应用的最高价格 EffectiveStartDate定价开始日期 EffectiveEndDate定价结束日期 MeterIds产品 SKU 的计量 ID MeterType计量类型 标记项的属性。 对于 Azure 计划定价,可能的值为 Azure、消耗、预留和 ThirdParty。
View organization's EA price sheet ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ View usage and cost details ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔⁷ ✔⁷ ✔⁸ ✔ Manage resources in Azure portal ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✘⁷ Requires that the Enterprise Administrator enables DA view charges policy in ...
Price SMS Phone Authentication Low-cost countries $0.03/verification attempt1 Medium low-cost countries $0.07/verification attempt1 Medium high-cost countries $0.15/verification attempt1 High-cost countries $0.35/verification attempt1 11 transaction = 1 SMS Phone Auth verification attempt. Full list of...
Contact an Azure sales specialist for more information on pricing or to request a price quote. See frequently asked questions about Azure pricing. Region: Currency: Azure Monitor includes functionality for the collection and analysis of log data (billed by data ingestion, retention, and export),...
可在system.billing.list_prices 找到定价系统表。定价表架构定价系统表使用以下架构:展开表 列名称数据类型说明示例 price_start_time timestamp 此价格生效的时间 2023-01-01T09:59:59.999Z price_end_time timestamp 此价格停止生效的时间 2023-01-01T09:59:59.999Z account_id string 生成此报告的帐户的 ...
List By Location Perform Maintenance Power Off Reapply Redeploy Reimage Restart Retrieve Boot Diagnostics Data Simulate Eviction Start Update Run Command Compute Schedule Confluent Consumption Container Instances Container Registry Cosmos DB Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Cosmos DB Resource Provider Cost Management Cu...
For teams of up to 5 people $1,299 USD per month, billed annually 1 Buy now Free + Premium Statistics Reports Market Insights 1 All prices do not include sales tax. The account requires an annual contract and will renew after one year to the regular list price. Compare accounts ...
{ "maxPrice": 4 }, "scheduledEventsProfile": { "terminateNotificationProfile": { "notBeforeTimeout": "aa", "enable": true } }, "userData": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "capacityReservation": { "capacityReservationGroup": { "id": "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resource...
New course about Azure Spring Apps in Getting Started with Azure course list. Resource Management of Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible servers. Add Azure Service Bus support in Azure Toolkits. Resource Management in Azure explorer. Simple Service Bus client to send/receive messages. Changed Wa...