Premium支持 与Azure 文件同步服务连接的文件共享支持 保护限制 设置限制 每个保管库每天可保护的文件共享数上限200 每个保管库每天可以注册的存储帐户数上限50 每个保管库可保护的文件共享数上限2000 每个保管库可以注册的存储帐户数上限200 备份限制 展开表
If you need a file share that is larger than 5 TiB, you will need to enable the large file share feature for your storage account.\n\n Premium file shares can span up to 100 TiB without any special setting, however premium file shares are provisioned, rather than pay as you ...
For information on managed/premium disk performance after restored via Azure Backup, see the Latency section. Use templates to customize a restored VM After the disk is restored, use the template that was generated as part of the restore operation to customize and create a new VM: In Backup ...
Azure Kubernetes Service backup Windows backup using MARS agent Azure Disk backup Azure Blob backup Azure File share backup SAP HANA database on Azure VM backup Azure Backup Server (MABS) Azure Backup Server on Azure Stack Data Protection Manager (DPM) ...
exec xp_cmdshell 'net use X: \\\\\myfileshare /PERSISTENT:YES' end delete from #tmp_MapDrive insert into #tmp_MapDrive exec xp_cmdshell 'dir X:\\' if exists(select 1 from #tmp_MapDrive where field1 = 'The system cannot find the path specifi...
アカウントの種類Azure Backup は、汎用 v1、汎用 v2、およびファイル ストレージの種類のストレージ アカウントに存在する Azure ファイル共有をサポートしています パフォーマンスAzure Backup は、Standard および Premium Storage アカウントの両方でファイル共有をサポートしています ...
Azure Backup bruker Azure File Share-øyeblikksbilder til å opprette gjenopprettingspunkter. Størrelsen på hver forekomstAzure Backup-pris per måned Forekomsten er > 250 GB $5 Forekomsten er < eller = 250 GB 60 % av prisen for beskyttede forekomster for Azure Files per...
Premium file share (PFS) provides automated bursting for IOPS capacity up to a limit based on a credit system. If your workload needs occasional bursts, then you should leverage this free and fully automated input or output capacity. Follow thepremium files provisioning and bursting documentationt...
{ "storageAccountType": "Premium_LRS", "id": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/myDataDisk0" }, "diskSizeGB": 30 }, { "lun": 1, "name": "myDataDisk1", "createOption": "Attach", "caching": "ReadWrite", "managedDisk":... - creates a GitLab repo as an import from a given URL, and mirrors if on GitLab Premium (can only manually configure for public repos on free tier, API doesn't support configuring even public repos on free) - enables bra...