使用Azure Resource Manager 和 Azure PowerShell 将资源部署到 Azure。 资源在 Resource Manager 模板中定义。
本文简单提供了一个Azure powershell脚本,能实现如下功能 Azure (China)账户是否已经登陆了,如果没登陆,会提示你登陆。 要创建的资源组是否存在,存在的话不再创建,直接部署template,不存在就先创建资源组,再部署template。 1## 简单定义变量2$ResourceGroupName='myrsg'3$Location='china east'4## 检测是否已经登...
Use Azure Resource Manager and Azure PowerShell to deploy resources to Azure. The resources are defined in a Resource Manager template.
5.修改完毕后,我们打开Azure PowerShell,执行这个deploy.ps1。命令如下: .\deploy.ps1 -subscriptionId"fa02e842-5d77-4a05-9089-7ce3fdb786e0"-resourceGroupName"LeiResourceGroup"-resourceGroupLocation"China East"-deploymentName"Lei Test on 2016/10/7"-templateFilePath"D:\Desktop\ARM\ExportedTemplate-L...
Azure PowerShell # Use the reference to the new blueprint object from the previous stepsNew-AzBlueprintArtifact-Blueprint$blueprint-Name'policyStorageTags'-ArtifactFile.\artifacts\policyStorageTags.json 在资源组下添加模板。 ARM 模板的TemplateFile包含模板的标准 JSON 组件。 该模板还通过将storageAccount...
从以下代码块中选择“打开 Cloudshell”,以打开 Azure Cloud Shell,然后按照相关说明登录到 Azure。 Azure PowerShell $projectName=Read-Host-Prompt"Enter a project name that is used for generating resource names"$location=Read-Host-Prompt"Enter the location (i.e. centralus)"$templateUri="https://ra...
Edit and deploy the templateYou can use the portal for quickly developing and deploying ARM templates. In general, we recommend using Visual Studio Code for developing your ARM templates, and Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell for deploying the template, but you can use the portal for quick ...
Similar to Azure, Azure Stack supports same PowerShell commands, portal experience and similar functionalities. For example, an ARM template which can be deployed in Azure could be deployed to Azure stack without any modification. In order to deploy Marketplace VMs in Azure Stack by ...
You can enable this from either PowerShell or CLI while creating a new deployment. In PowerShell, we have added a new parameter on New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment to enable this setting. As you can see above, there are three main supported options. ...
Azure PowerShell Azure 资源组部署 Azure Spring Apps Azure SQL数据库部署 Azure VM 规模集部署 Azure Web 应用 用于容器的 Azure Web 应用 Bash 批处理脚本 生成计算机映像 缓存 缓存(Beta) 任务运行器的货物身份验证 () 检查Azure Policy 合规性