Fast NoSQL database with open APIs for any scale. Azure PostgreSQL Fully managed, intelligent, and scalable PostgreSQL. Azure SQL Database Managed intelligent SQL in the cloud. Azure SQL Managed Instance Managed, always up-to-date SQL instance in the cloud. SQL Server on Virtual Machines ...
適用於 PostgreSQL 的 Azure 資料庫加入了 TimescaleDB 資料庫作為選擇性延伸模組。 此資料庫包含時間導向分析函式,以及支援時間序列工作負載的其他功能。 若要使用此資料庫,請在 shared_preload_libraries 伺服器參數中選取 TIMESCALEDB 選項,然後重新啟動伺服器。
Try Azure Database for PostgreSQL to build reliable and intelligent applications for your organization. Explore open-source PostgreSQL database in public cloud.
PostgreSQL 用戶端應用程式會使用資料庫伺服器名稱連接到主要伺服器。 應用程式讀取會直接從主要伺服器提供。 同時,對應用程式的認可和寫入只有在主要伺服器和待命複本上都保存記錄資料後才會確認。 由於此額外的往返,應用程式可以預期寫入和認可的延遲會增加。 您可以在入口網站上監視高可用性的健康情況。
選取適用於 PostgreSQL 的 Azure 資料庫 - 彈性伺服器執行個體。 從資源功能表的 [設定] 區段下,選取 [伺服器參數]。 搜尋shared_preload_libraries 參數,並編輯其值以包含 TimescaleDB。 選取[儲存] 以保留變更。 現在,您可以選擇 [儲存並重新啟動]。 選擇此選項以確保變更生效,因為修改 shared_preload_librari...
Step 2: Use Azure Functions & ARM templates to scale out your Citus cluster In the event of a CPU usage spike, we want to trigger Azure Functions that will: Use the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) API to add new nodes to the Citus cluster Connect to the coordinator PostgreSQL serve...
Today, we’re excited to announce Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL, a new Generally Available service to build cloud-native relational applications. This service brings developers the latest PostgreSQL features, allows you to start with a free trial, and scale out your database as your workload gr...
妥快扭快把抆 技抉忪扶抉 扼抉戒忱忘找抆 忍我扭快把找忘忌抖我扯批 TimescaleDB扼 扶批抖攸我抖我 扭快把快扶快扼找我扼批投快扼找志批攻投我快 忱忘扶扶抑快 志把快技快扶扶抑抒 把攸忱抉志 志 PostgreSQL. 完找抉忌抑 志抉扼扼找忘扶抉志我找抆 忌忘戒批 忱忘扶扶抑抒 timescale 扼...
Connect to PostgreSQL Flexibe Server from Azure Machine Learning Pipeline Hi, I have a Machine Learning Pipeline, a WebApp and a Postgre Flexibe server with private access that was generated when creating the web app. My pipeline should be able to connect and insert data into the database creat...
: Show how PostgreSQL is evolving and show a comparison between PostgreSQL 11 vs. 12 vs. 13 to help you make good decisions from a migration standpoint. What to expect from Ora2pg: Dive deep into the general migration complexity of each Oracle feature with the Ora2pg...