高可用性 灾难恢复 概述 配置故障转移组 - 门户 配置故障转移组 - CLI 重新预配副本 疑难解答 已启用 Azure Arc 的 PostgreSQL(预览) Azure Arc 启用的 SQL Server > 参考 资源 下载PDF Learn Azure Azure Arc 已启用 Azure Arc 的数据服务 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 打印 Twitter Li...
已启用 Arc 的 PostgreSQL 服务器 删除了“超大规模/Citus 横向扩展”功能。 重点在于提供单节点 Postgres 服务器服务。 所有用户体验都有 Hyperscale、server groups、worker nodes、coordinator nodes 等术语和概念。 删除任何项。 重大更改 目前仅支持 PostgreSQL 版本 14。 已删除版本 11 和 12...
已启用 Arc 的 PostgreSQL 服务器 删除了“超大规模/Citus 横向扩展”功能。 重点在于提供单节点 Postgres 服务器服务。 所有用户体验都有 Hyperscale、server groups、worker nodes、coordinator nodes 等术语和概念。 删除任何项。 重大更改 目前仅支持 PostgreSQL 版本 14。 已删除版本 11 和 12。 引入了两个新映...
Today, we’re excited to announce Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL, a new Generally Available service to build cloud-native relational applications. This service brings developers the latest PostgreSQL features, allows you to start with a free trial, and scale out your database as your workload gr...
Azure Database for PostgreSQL: See High availability concepts in Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Single Server. Azure Database for MySQL: See Understand business continuity in Azure Database for MySQL. Azure Databricks File System: See Regional disaster recovery for Azure Databricks clusters. Tip If...
Hi Community, i have a Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible Server and want to monitor the Metric "Storage Percent". When I configure the According Graph, it remains empty: As far as I found out through googling, this Metric should be Active… ...
GraphRAG, available in preview in Azure Database for PostgreSQL, offers advanced RAG capabilities, enhancing large language models (LLMs) with your private PostgreSQL datasets. These integrations help empower developers, IT pros, and AI engineers alike, to build the next generation of AI ...
Currently, this feature is available for PostgreSQL backups in all public regions. With this, Azure Backup offers a compelling set of durability options for your backup data residing in Backup vaults, including Zonally-redundant Storage (ZRS) for intra-region high durability, Locally-redundant storag...
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* Provider is any cloud based technology - github, aws, postgresql etc - which one can make an API call to with its unique terraform provider binary to provision available services and components. * Resources are the services and components you provision on these platforms. * Provisioner in ter...