查阅Bicep 文件 Bicep 文件将为资源组范围创建策略分配,并分配不使用托管磁盘的内置策略定义审核 VM。 创建以下 Bicep 文件作为 policy-assignment.bicep。 打开Visual Studio Code 并选择“文件”>“新建文本文件”。 将Bicep 文件复制并粘贴到 Visual Studio Code 中。
In this quickstart, you create an Azure Policy assignment to identify non-compliant resources using a Bicep file.
使用ARM 模板或 Bicep 部署 Azure Red Hat OpenShift 群集 升级Azure Red Hat OpenShift 群集 部署大型 Azure Red Hat OpenShift 群集 使用现成节点 部署基础结构节点 使用GPU 工作负载 将工作器节点隔离到子网中 使用Azure Policy 标记 ARO 资源 手动更新群集证书 使用管理员 Kubeconfig 网络 存储 安全性和身份验...
Azure Blueprints: A policy assignment is an artifact type from Azure Blueprints, meaning you can use Azure Blueprints to assign policy assignments. You can assign a policy through .NET, JavaScript, Python, REST API, PowerShell, Azure CLI, ARM template, Bicep, and Terraform as well. Azure ...
We work closely with customers using Azure Policy and have seen many different methods of deploying and maintaining it, from manual to over-complicated automated methods, everyone has a unique way of doing it. This code was developed to make policy deployment and managem...
However, there is a restriction that the getSecret function can only be used in a Module resource declaration. Therefore, when using KeyVault, you must be aware of the order in which bicep files are processed. The simplest approach is to create the KeyVault first....
This reference implementation is based on Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure and provides an opinionated implementation that enables ITSG-33 regulatory compliance by using NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 and Canada Federal PBMM Regulatory Compliance Policy Sets. -
in the Azure portal, directly from the Azure Kubernetes Services resource view, Azure CLI, or (ARM)/Bicep templates for automation. You can also provision AKS clusters from the Azure Stack HCI resource view, and in the future from third-party infrastructure that has been enabled using Azure ...
Note:To ensure the modules and environment work as expected, please ensure you are using the latest version of the used tools such as PowerShell and Bicep. Especially in case of the latter, note, that you need to manually update the Bicep CLI. For further information, see ourtroubleshooting...
Bicep ARM template Azure CLI Azure PowerShell Standard logic app workflows Portal Portal - Templates gallery Visual Studio Code Tutorials Samples Concepts How-to guides Single-tenant Azure Logic Apps Hybrid deployment for Azure Logic Apps Azure Arc-enabled Logic Apps Migrate Migrate from BizTalk to Az...