当用户请求内容时,内容将提供给所有位置的用户。 你可能希望按国家/地区限制对内容的访问权限。 使用异地筛选功能,可以在 CDN 终结点上创建特定路径的规则。 可以设置规则以允许或阻止所选国家/地区的内容。 重要 Microsoft配置文件中的 Azure CDN 标准版不支持基于路径的地理筛选。
If the region in which you want to create a vault doesn't show, make sure your subscription has access to create resources in that region. If you can't see a region within a geographic cluster when you enable replication, make sure your subscription has permissions to create VMs in that ...
此策略定义使你能够定义满足组织的地理位置要求的允许区域。 允许的资源在参数listOfAllowedLocations(数组)中定义。 与定义匹配的资源会被拒绝。 JSON复制 {"properties": {"displayName":"Allowed locations","policyType":"BuiltIn","description":"This policy enables you to restrict the locations your organiza...
This policy will install the extension and configure it to use the specified user-assigned managed identity if the OS and region are supported, and skip install otherwise. Learn more: https://aka.ms/AMAOverview. DeployIfNotExists, Disabled 1.4.0-preview [Preview]: Configure Windows VMSS to ...
Most Azure services enable you to specify the region where your customer data will be stored and processed. Azure offers tools to help you control the location of your data—for example, you can use Azure Policy or Azure Blueprint to restrict access to selected regions for your subscription. ...
If so, you must activate the software within the geographic region associated with your Azure for Students subscription. Certain software may require a key to install or access it. You are responsible for the use of any keys assigned to you. You may not transfer, sell, share, sublicense, ...
aws_foreach_region.sh - executes a templated command against each AWS region enabled for the current account, replacing {region} in each iteration. Combine with AWS CLI or scripts to find resources across regions aws_iam_*.sh - AWS IAM scripts: aws_iam_password_policy.sh - prints AWS pa...
In the next step add a secret to your Azure app via Add a certificate or secret → New client secret and configure the lifetime according to your policy (ask your Azure experts for advice): The next screen will show you the new client secret, you need to copy the value of the cli...
Microsoft Azure Government has developed a 9-step process to facilitate asset & configuration management with the security principles within CMMC, NIST SP 800-53 R4 and NIST SP 800-171 standards. Note this process is a starting point, as CMMC requires alignment of people, processes, policy and...
Back on theDeploymentspage, if we don’t seeOurSecurityConfig, selectRefresh. The deployed configuration, its status, and its name should all be visible and grouped by region. And there we have it! In a few minutes, we were able to set up a network manager, create a...