如果使用受支持的函数(如parameter()或resourceGroup()),可在部署时生成函数的处理结果,而不是允许策略定义和 Azure Policy 引擎处理函数。 解决方法 若要将函数作为策略定义的一部分进行传递,请使用[转义整个字符串,以便使属性看起来像是[[resourceGroup().tags.myTag]。 转义字符会导致资源管理器在处理模板时将值...
RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning选择不同的区域,或提交有关“区域访问权限”的配额支持请求。 RequestDisallowedByPolicy订阅包含阻止尝试在部署期间执行的操作的资源策略。 请找出阻止该操作的策略。 如果可能,请更改部署,使之符合策略的限制。解决策略问题 ReservedResourceName提供不包含保留名称的资源名称。保留的资源名称 ...
Update-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentPolicy_UpdateExpanded: C:\Users\setupGovernance-v2.ps1:15:33Line| 15 | … Update-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentPoli …|~~~|No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI| 'https://igaelm-ecapi-cne2.chinacloudsites.cn/api...
Thank you for your response and the troubleshooting advice. I followed the recommended steps, but unfortunately, I am still encountering the same issue. Specifically, when I callblobContainerClient.getAccessPolicy(), I continue to receive the same error message: "ResourceNotFound" Here is a ...
{ "error": { "code": "BadRequest", "message": "Disk /subscriptions/<subscription-ID>/resourceGroups/<disk-resource-group>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/<disk/PV name > cannot be attached to the VM because it is not in the same zone as the VM. VM zone: 'X'. Disk zone: 'Y'....
If you do use either of these VM traces in your research, please make sure to cite our SOSP’17 paper"Resource Central: Understanding and Predicting Workloads for Improved Resource Management in Large Cloud Platforms", which includes a full analysis of the Azure VM workload in 2017. ...
Resource Commitment All increases in service usage (for example, adding to the number of compute instances running, or increasing the amount of storage in use) are subject to the availability of these service resources. Any quota described in the limits, quotas, and constraints section is not a...
Monitoring on Azure HDInsight Part 1: An Overview discusses the three main monitoring categories: cluster health and availability, resource utilization and performance, and job status and logs. This blog covers the first of those topics, cluster health and availability, in more depth. Azure shows ...
在Update-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentPolicy 指令中使用 -debug 输出调试信息中,发现出错在执行 PATCH https://microsoftgraph.chinacloudapi.cn/beta/xxx 时出现的404 Not Found错误。 DEBUG: PATCH https://microsoftgraph.chinacloudapi.cn/beta/identityGovernance/entitlementManagement/accessPackageAssi...
aws_sso_role_arns.sh - prints all AWS SSO role ARNs in IAM policy usable format aws_profile_config_add_if_missing.sh - reads AWS profile config blocks from stdin and appends them to the ~/.aws/config file if the profile section is not found aws_profile_generate_direnvs.sh - generates...