尽管无法设置 policyType 属性,但 SDK 返回了三个值且在门户中可见:Builtin:Microsoft 提供和维护这些策略定义。 Custom:客户创建的所有策略定义都具有此值。 Static:表示具有 Microsoft“所有权”的法规合规性策略定义。 这些策略定义的合规性结果是 Microsoft 基础结构的非 Microsoft 审核结果。 在 Azure 门户中,...
雖然無法設定 policyType 屬性,但有三個由 SDK 傳回的值,並會在入口網站中顯示:Builtin:Microsoft 提供和維護這些原則定義。 Custom:客戶建立的所有原則定義都有此值。 Static:即涵蓋 Microsoft 所有權的法規合規性政策定義。 這些原則定義的合規性結果是 Microsoft 基礎結構的非 Microsoft 稽核結果。 在 Azure ...
Microsoft.Network.Data用于通过 Azure Policy 管理Azure 虚拟网络管理器自定义成员身份策略。 目前支持以下资源提供程序模式(预览版): Microsoft.ManagedHSM.Data用于使用 Azure Policy 管理托管硬件安全模块 (HSM)密钥。 Microsoft.DataFactory.Data用于使用 Azure Policy 拒绝未在允许列表中指定的Azure 数据工厂出站流量域名...
field运算符会对指定属性或别名进行评估,针对为给定条件提供的值。 示例策略定义 此策略定义使你能够定义满足组织的地理位置要求的允许区域。 允许的资源在参数listOfAllowedLocations(数组)中定义。 与定义匹配的资源会被拒绝。 JSON复制 {"properties": {"displayName":"Allowed locations","policyType":"BuiltIn",...
Policy PostgreSQL Power BI Embedded Power BI Workspace Collections Purview Quota Recovery Services Recovery Services - Backup Recovery Services - Site Recovery Red Hat OpenShift Redis Cache Relay Reserved VM Instances Resource Health Resource Management Resource Mover Search Management Search Service Secret ...
aws_iam_policy_delete.sh - deletes an IAM policy, by first handling all prerequisite steps of deleting all prior versions and all detaching all users, groups and roles aws_iam_generate_credentials_report_wait.sh - generates an AWS IAM credentials report aws_iam_users.sh - list your IAM use...
Windows Server Software Assurance or active subscription customers can access Azure management tools like Azure Update Manager, Azure Policy Guest Configuration, Disaster Recovery, Change Tracking and Inventory, and more, with access to many features coming at no additional cost**. Tune into Microsoft ...
A policy initiative is a collection of policies. Azure Policy has a number ofregulatory compliance policy initiativesthat are tailored to a specific regulatory compliance framework, such as NL BIO Cloud Theme, HITRUST/HIPAA, ISO 27001, or PCI DSS. By assigning a poli...
{"displayName":"Tag Name","description":"Name of the tag, such as 'environment'"}}},"policyRule":{"if":{"field":"[concat('tags[', parameters('tagName'), ']')]","exists":"false"},"then":{"effect":"deny"}}},"id":"/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/poli...
PublicAccess><HasImmutabilityPolicy>true | false</HasImmutabilityPolicy><HasLegalHold>true | false</HasLegalHold><DeletedTime>datetime</DeletedTime><RemainingRetentionDays>no-of-days</RemainingRetentionDays></Properties><Metadata><metadata-name>value</metadata-name></Metadata></Container></Containers>...