I am trying to understand how Management group policies works but deploying some policies. I have this ARM template, which its purpose it to block specific resources from being created. Which, in my case works, but I would like to deny the creation of storage account only if specific sku.n...
In this blog article, we will cover how to deny the creation of inbound Network Security Group Rules if the inbound NSG Rule contains Internet, Any, or as source and the destination port contains 22, 3389, 5985, 5986 or *". Note:If users have the requir...
The result of this is that Azure Policy is unable to discover the type in order to determine compliance. In some cases, this still allows deny policies to work, but compliance results will usually be incorrect. These are the resource types known to have this behavior: Microsoft.DBfor...
Deny the resource change Log the change to the resource Alter the resource before the change Alter the resource after the change Deploy related compliant resources Block actions on resources Azure Policy makes each of these business responses possible through the application ofeffects. Effects are set...
Assigned the Not allowed resource types built-in policy to deny creation of disallowed resource types Created an exemption for this policy assignment at a subscopeWith this built-in policy you specified resource types that aren't allowed. The alternative, more restrictive approach is to specify ...
You can limit exposure of your resources by creating private endpoints instead. Learn more at: https://aka.ms/appconfig/private-endpoint. Audit, Deny, Disabled 1.0.0 App Configuration should use a customer-managed key Customer-managed keys provide enhanced data protection by allowing you to ...
Policies preventing creation of IP Address & Load balancers within the subscription. Policy preventing creation of storage account. Policy preventing deletion of networking resources (IP Address /Load Balancers).FirewallsFirewalls on your virtual network or storage account can deny communication with HD...
2- Create a custom Azure Policy definition that allows specific resource types and sub-resources. To create a custom policy definition, follow these steps: a. In the Azure portal, search for "Policy" and click on the "Policy" service. ...
The number of task slots that can be used to run concurrent tasks on a single compute node in the pool. The default value is 1. The maximum value is the smaller of 4 times the number of cores of the vmSize of the pool or 256. upgradePolicy UpgradePolicy The upgrade policy for the...
Application & Network Traffic Filtering Rules: Azure Firewall allows the creation of detailed allow or deny rules based on source and destination IP addresses, ports, and protocols, across multiple subscriptions and virtual networks. Its fully stateful nature ensures legitimate packets for various connec...