内置策略定义可以托管具有相同的 definitionID 的多个版本。 如果未指定版本号,则所有体验都将显示最新版本的定义。 若要查看内置的特定版本,它必须在 API、SDK 或 UI 中指定。 若要在分配中引用特定版本的定义,请参阅分配中的定义版本Azure Policy 服务使用 version、preview 和deprecated 属性,将变更的状态和级别...
雖然無法設定 policyType 屬性,但有三個由 SDK 傳回的值,並會在入口網站中顯示:Builtin:Microsoft 提供和維護這些原則定義。 Custom:客戶建立的所有原則定義都有此值。 Static:即涵蓋 Microsoft 所有權的法規合規性政策定義。 這些原則定義的合規性結果是 Microsoft 基礎結構的非 Microsoft 稽核結果。 在 Azure ...
location resourceTypes storageSkus vmSKUs existingResourceGroups 后续步骤 其他资源 培训 模块 Azure Policy 简介 - Training 本模块介绍了 Azure Policy 并说明了如何使用它来满足环境的合规性要求。 文档 策略定义结构别名的详细信息 - Azure Policy 介绍如何使用策略定义别名为组织中的 Azure 资源建立约定。
Azure Policy の制限Azure Policy では、オブジェクトの種類ごとに最大数があります。 定義について、スコープ というエントリは管理グループまたはサブスクリプションを意味します。 割り当てと除外の場合、"スコープ" というエントリは管理グループ、サブスクリプション、リソース グ...
1) From the Azure portal, access Azure policy, then definitions blade. 2) Create a new policy definition. 3) Add the definition location (which subscription will be hosting this policy), Name, and description. 4) Set the category to use existing and select Networking (as...
Policy Assignment:A policy definition that has been assigned to take place within a specific scope. The termscoperefers to all the resource groups, subscriptions, or management groups that the policy definition is assigned to. Policy Parameters:Simplify your policy management by reducing the number ...
Policy PostgreSQL Power BI Embedded Power BI Workspace Collections Purview Quota Recovery Services Recovery Services - Backup Recovery Services - Site Recovery Red Hat OpenShift Redis Cache Relay Reserved VM Instances Resource Health Resource Management Resource Mover Search Management Search Service Secret ...
Workflow Definition Language schema Trigger and action types reference Functions reference Azure Policy built-ins Resources Download PDF Learn Azure Azure Logic Apps Save Add to Collections Add to plan Share via Facebook x.com LinkedIn Email Print Schema...
The node name is used in more complex scenario to indicate the error location in the error messages. Assignment contains the values for the assignment itself. definitionEntry specifies either the Initiative or Policy (use policyName) being assigned. ...
You can also enforce and manage least privilege via review of user privileges. Using the Azure portal, you can review who has access to Azure resources and their permissions. This configuration assigns an Azure Policy definition that helps you monitor virtual machines where an application whitelist ...