Policy内容说明 在Policy Rule部分中,选择资源的类型为 "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions", 效果使用 DeployIfNotExists (如果不存在,则通过修复任务进行修正。 在existenceCondition 条件中,如果当前订阅已经启用了 diagnostic setting并且输出日志到同一个Log A workspace,表示满足Policy要求,不需要进行修正。 在deployment...
部分deployIfNotExists定义示例: JSON {"if": {"field":"type","equals":"[parameters('resourceType')]"},"then": {"effect":"deployIfNotExists","details": {"type":"Microsoft.Insights/metricAlerts","existenceCondition": {"field":"name","equals":"[concat(parameters('alertNamePrefix'), '-...
{ "if": { <condition> | <logical operator> }, "then": { "effect": "deny | audit | modify | denyAction | append | auditIfNotExists | deployIfNotExists | disabled" } } 有关policyRule 的详细信息,请转到策略定义架构。逻辑运算符支持的逻辑运算符为:"...
auditIfNotExists 效果需要 policyRule.then.details 區塊,以定義要尋找的 type 和existenceCondition。 existenceCondition 會使用原則語言元素 (例如邏輯運算子) 來判斷相符的相關資源是否存在。 在此範例中,針對每個別名檢查的值會定義在參數中。 下一步 檢閱其他模式和內建定義。 檢閱Azure 原則定義結構。 檢閱了解...
AppendPositionConditionNotMet前提条件失败 (412)未满足指定的追加位置条件。 BlobAlreadyExists冲突 (409)指定的 Blob 已存在。 BlobImmutableDueToLegalHold冲突 (409)不允许此操作,因为 Blob 由于一个或多个法定保留而不可变。 BlobImmutableDueToPolicy冲突 (409)不允许此操作,因为 Blob 因策略而不可变。
Using this type of alias in the existence condition of auditIfNotExists or deployIfNotExists policies works correctly. These two kinds of effects will get the full resource content to evaluate the existence condition. The property is always present in GET request payloads. ...
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/logic-apps/workflow-definition-language-functions-reference But when I use some think likexpath(xml(item()), '/Name'), it will throw an error saying The template language function 'xml' parameter is not valid. The provided value cannot be co...
"policyRule": { "if": { "allOf": [ { "field": "type", "equals": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups" }, { "field": "[concat('tags[', parameters('tagName'), ']')]", "notEquals": "[parameters('tagValue')]" } ] }, "then": { "effect": "deployIfNotExists"...
This feature marks a build so that the system doesn't automatically delete it based on any applicable retention policy. Stop builds Build, StopBuilds Can stop any build that is in progress, including builds queued and started by another user. Update build information Build, UpdateBuildInformation...
For redundancy purposes, data is replicated in thepaired region. For high availability,geo-redundant storage (GRS)is enabled.Consumption (pay-per-execution)Azure Logic Apps manages the default values for these limits, but you can change some of these values, if that option exists for a specific...