第三步:使用循环进行roleAssignment的创建 resource roleAssignments 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2020-10-01-preview' = [ for assignment in assignmentArray: { name: guid(storageAccount.id, assignment.objectId, assignment.role) scope: storageAccount properties: { roleDefinitionId: subscriptionResou...
第三步:使用循环进行roleAssignment的创建 resource roleAssignments 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2020-10-01-preview' = [ for assignment in assignmentArray: { name: guid(storageAccount.id, assignment.objectId, assignment.role) scope: storageAccount properties: { roleDefinitionId: subscriptionResou...
第三步:使用循环进行roleAssignment的创建 resource roleAssignments 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2020-10-01-preview' = [ for assignment in assignmentArray: { name: guid(storageAccount.id, assignment.objectId, assignment.role) scope: storageAccount properties: { roleDefinitionId: subscriptionResou...
第三,配置的最后一步是将全局管理员角色分配给使用Azure AD PIM创建的组,在Portal页面,搜索Azure AD Privileged Identity Management ,进入Azure AD Privileged Identity Management 页面后,点击Azure AD Roles, 第四,点击Add Assignment,为刚刚新建的Demo Administrator Group 授权Global Administrators Role即可,如下图所...
az role assignment create --role "Contributor" --assignee "joe@contoso.com" --resource-group this-rg 使用Microsoft Entra 安全性群組管理工作區存取 您可以使用 Microsoft Entra 安全性群組來管理工作區的存取權。 這種方法具有下列好處: 小組或專案領導者可以安全性群組擁有者身分來管理工作區的存取權,而不...
Role settings of one resource are independent from role settings of another resource. Role settings configured on a higher level, such as Subscription, for example, aren't inherited on a lower level, such as Resource Group.PIM role settings are also known as PIM policies....
通过PIM 管理符合条件的角色 通过PIM 管理活动角色 通过PIM 管理策略 批准PIM 激活请求 通过PIM 管理警报 参考 自动化 AVS Azure AD B2C Azure 证明 Azure AI 服务 Azure Arc 站点管理器 Azure 机密账本 Azure Container Apps 适用于农业的 Azure 数据管理器 ...
subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup1/ providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/mysite1 资源 将{roleAssignmentScheduleRequestName} 替换为角色分配的 GUID 标识符。 激活符合条件的角色分配 若要激活符合条件的角色分配 (获取) 激活的访问权限,请使用 角色分配计划请求 - 创建 REST API 创建新请求,...
Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM)manages policies for privileged access for users in Azure AD. PIM assigns users to one or more roles in Azure AD, and you can assign someone to be permanently in the role, or eligible for the role. ...
Your account must have an eligible assignment to an Azure resource. Process/Procedure Note. In the following steps, I will activate my contributor assignment for the management group " Article Testing". 1. Log into the Azure portal. 2. Open the PIM (Privileged Identity Management) module. 2a...