How cool would it be if I can use the MSGraph PIM api’s to build custom applications. For example, you have multiple roles where you want to activate every day. It would be time consuming to activate them one by one. Instead, you can build a custom app using ...
param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'User', Position = 0 )] [string[]] $UserPrincipalName, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Role', Position = 1 )] [Alias('DisplayNameAs')] [ValidateSet( 'Application Administrator', 'Application Developer', 'Atta...
是的,在AzureADPreview模块中有一个命令Get-AzureADMSPrivilegedRoleAssignment,它调用Microsoft Graph -Li...
Azure 入口網站 PowerShell CLI 若要在保存庫上啟用 MUA,請遵循下列步驟。 移至[復原服務保存庫]。 移至左側瀏覽面板中的 [屬性],然後移至 [多使用者授權],並選取 [更新]。 現在,您可以透過以下方式之一啟用 MUA 並選擇資源防護: 您可以指定資源防護的 URI,請確保您指定的資源防護 URI 擁有 [讀取程式] ...
Azure 自動化會使用 PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) 來提供設定管理。您可以建立和管理裝載於 Azure 的 DSC 資源,以及將它們套用到雲端和內部部署系統。 藉由這麼做,您可以定義和自動強制執行其設定或取得有關漂移的報告,以協助確保安全性設定保留在原則內。
My plan is to export and import settings for AAD Roles in bulk with PowerShell.I'm trying to set "Role assignment alert" with PowerShell for aadRoles in PIM...
Azure PowerShell 中的错误消息故障描述 -“资源属性无效”错误尝试使用 Azure PowerShell 添加带有条件的角色分配时,出现如下所示的错误:复制 New-AzRoleAssignment : Resource attribute Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/tags:Project<$> is not valid. ...
PowerShell: Check Lync Services and start if not running Get User Distinguished Name Sync Multiple Groups to Single Group Azure PIM Admin Report Version 2 Track Changes to Active Directory Users Attributes Export AD group members – nested / recursive using Quest input via text file Disable AD us...
可以使用访问控制 (IAM) 边栏选项卡、PowerShell、Azure CLI、REST API 或使用资源模板在 Azure 门户中为每个服务创建和管理角色分配。 Azure Active Directory 还提供了一种超越简单 RBAC 的高级访问控制功能,称为条件访问。使用条件访问,可以定义在授予访问权限之前必须满足的条件或信号。例如,可以创建一个条件,要求...
Instead I’m going to click the Activate Role button. After clicking the Activate role button I’m shown the roles Ash Williams is eligible to activate. Notice Ash has the ability to activate the role due to both his direct membership and his membership in the GIW AIP Users group. I’d...