Use this Promo Code:DPEWR02 After you have signed up, it takes 2-4 business days for the pass request to be processed and you will be notified that your Windows Live ID has now been associated with a no-cost 30-day Azure account. In case you are wondering what the Windows Azure ...
We're offering a Windows Azure platform 30 day pass, so you can put Windows Azure and SQL Azure through their paces. No credit card required.Use this link: Microsoft Platform Ready Free Azure Pass. Use this passcode: promo code = MPR001...
We're offering a Windows Azure platform 30 day pass, so you can try Windows Azure and SQL Azure for free. Just follow this simple five step process: Sign up for your Free Pass Install Windows Azure tools for Microsoft Visual Studio Create your first local application using the Windows Azur...
Just go to, and enter the promo code DPCE01. Your Pass will be activated within a few days, and you can start deploying code all day long.Once you get a pass, you can attend a two-day boot camp to learn more about Windows Azure, try some hands-...
Free Azure Trial I ran across this today and thought you might find it useful. If you’d like to try our Azure with no-strings attached, no credit card, no commitment, there’s a cool offer available now. You can learn more about it here:
req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Please pass a lat and lon on the query string or in the request body") : req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, nearestVehicle); The first document in the ordered list can be returned, as seen in the last line, where a null param check ...
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Azure Promo Pass of $100 Worth The other way is via Azure Vidya Peeth. Navigate to this link and click “Write to us”, as shown in the screenshot, given below: Alternatively, you can write an E-mail to, requesting free Azure credits. They will ask you...
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Learning cloud computing is easy with Microsoft’s free account, tools and learning resources. Here is how to get started:Set up your account at and enter the promotion code WRAC11 Download and in...