在这些地域中,Azure 已在或即将在以下区域中可用:美国中南部、美国西部、美国西部 2、美国西部 3、美国中部、美国东部、美国东部 2、美国东部 3、美国中西部、美国中北部、巴西南部、巴西东南部、加拿大中部、加拿大东部、智利中北部、墨西哥中部、US Gov 弗吉尼亚州、US DoD 中部、US DoD 东部、US Gov 亚利桑那州...
跨區域複寫是使用主要 Azure 區域內的可用性區域來取得高可用性,以同步複寫存在的應用程式和資料。 跨區域複寫會以非同步方式複寫其他 Azure 區域內相同的應用程式和資料,以進行災害復原保護。某些Azure 服務支援跨區域複寫,確保商務持續性並防止資料遺失。 Azure 提供數個儲存體解決方案,可利用跨區域複寫來確保資料可用...
虽然Azure 区域旨在通过可用性区域提供针对本地灾难的保护,但它们还可以利用另一个使用跨区域复制的次要区域,通过灾难恢复提供针对区域或大型地理灾难的保护。 主要区域和次要区域共同构成区域对。 跨区域复制是 Azure 业务连续性和灾难恢复策略中的几个重要支柱之一。 跨区域复制基于应用程序的同步复制,以及利用主要 Azur...
Azure provides a list of paired regions so that you can plan your app deployments accordingly. Consider the following key factors when you design your architecture: Region availability. To minimize network lag and transmission time, choose a region that supports Azure Spring Apps zone-redundancy, ...
However, not all regions support paired regions. For more information, see Azure paired regions. Service availability: Decide whether the resources used by your solution should be hot/hot, hot/warm, or hot/cold. Hot/hot: Both regions are active at the same time, with one region...
Pricing How to buy Azure pricing Free Azure services Azure account Flexible purchase options Azure benefits and incentives Pricing tools and resources Pricing calculator TCO calculator Optimize your costs FinOps on Azure Partners Find a partner Azure Marketplace Find a partner Beco...
The reliability and performance of cloud services are determined in part by the network and (in addition to having more datacenter regions than any of our competitors) the Microsoft network is also one of the largest in the world. Unlike with many other public cloud providers, data that ...
{"geographyGroup":"US","latitude":"37.3719",### Notice this attribute's location"longitude":"-79.8164",### Notice this attribute's location"pairedRegion": [ {"id":"/subscriptions/0b1f6471-1bf0-4dda-aec3-cb9272f09590/locations/westus","name":"westus","subscriptionId": null } ],...
Refer to the official documentation onlink. As with other services, it is highly recommended that you use availability zone support in regions where the capability is available. The portal also has a nice “Network view” where you can see a diagram of how the servi...
https://docs.microsoft.com/archive/blogs/azureedu/azure-education-governance-series <pubDate>Wed, 10 Oct 2018 00:38:52 GMT</pubDate> <dc:creator> <![CDATA[ Eric W. DeBord ]]> </dc:creator> <guidisPermaLink="false">https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/azureedu/?p=6185</guid> <descriptio...