Pricing for Premium Page Blobs depends on: Size of disks provisioned. Data redundancy. *Note: Page blobs smaller than 128 GB will be charged at the P10 rate. Page Blob TypesSizePrice per monthIOPS per Page BlobThroughput per Page Blob LRSZRS P10 128 GB $17.92 $26.88 500 100 MB/second ...
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Preisübersicht zu Azure Page Blob Storage, einem cloudbasierten Datenspeicherdienst auf Unternehmensniveau. Keine Vorauszahlungen. Nutzungsbasierte Bezahlung. KOSTENLOS testen.
For more information, see the Azure Page Blobs pricing page. Page blob features REST API Refer to the following document to get started with developing using page blobs. As an example, look at how to access page blobs using Storage Client Library for .NET. The following diagram describes the...
For more information, see the Azure Page Blobs pricing page.Page blob featuresREST APIRefer to the following document to get started with developing using page blobs. As an example, look at how to access page blobs using Storage Client Library for .NET....
还有其他几个可用的 Azure Blob 存储组件可能会进一步影响总存储成本: Blob 索引标记(按标记定价):通过这些标记可以使用键值属性将数据分类。 更改源(按记录的更改定价):使用此选项可以跟踪对 Blob 及其元数据的更改。 加密范围(按月定价):指定范围可以在每个容器或每个 Blob 级别使用不同的加密密钥...
使用免費點數沒有任何費用或費用。 不過,可能會有一些小型的記憶體成本,因為點數作業的輸入和輸出會儲存在您支付的記憶體帳戶中。 作業數據通常是 <每個作業 1MB。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱Azure Blob 儲存體 定價。 備註 如果您有任何問題或使用 Azure Quantum 遇到任何問題,您可以連絡。
const{BlobChangeFeedEvent}=require("@azure/storage-blob-changefeed");letchangeFeedEvents=[];constfirstPage=awaitchangeFeedClient.listChanges().byPage({maxPageSize:10}).next();for({changeFeedEvents.push(event);}// Resume iterating from the previous position with...
Calling Put Block on a page blob returns an error. Calling Put Block on an archived blob returns an error, and calling it on a hot or cool blob doesn't change the blob tier. Billing Pricing requests can originate from clients that use Blob Storage APIs, either directly through the Blob ...
To get the most accurate and up-to-date Azure Storage costs, you should refer to the official Azure Storage pricing page: Cloud Storage Manager: This software provides insights into your Azure Blob and File storageconsumption, offering re...
Please refer to Figure 5 for Azure pricing that was publicly announced at the time of this writing. Figure 5 Azure Pricing Expand table Azure Capability Charge Remarks Server Usage Small: $0.12 /service-hour Medium: $0.24/service-hour Large: $0.48/service-hour XLarge: $0.96/service-hour ...