名稱 輸入名稱,例如 「myPrivateEndpoint」。。 目標子資源 接受預設 searchService。 網路 虛擬網路 選取您在上一個步驟中建立的虛擬網路。 子網路 選取預設值。 私人DNS 整合 與私人 DNS 區域整合 接受預設的 「是」。 私人DNS 區域 接受預設 [新增] privatelink.search.windows.net。 選取[確定]。 選取[...
为解决Azure OpenAI后台不稳定、响应速度慢的问题,我们先来看是什么导致这个原因。 AzureOAI与官网版本的区别 Azure OpenAI交付方式是以Azure云资源的形式,通信方式包括互联网, VNet内网, Private Endpoint,虽然不需要科学上网即可使用,但是其服务器都在国外。 这也就造成了跨境网络有较高延迟, 网络不稳定。除此之外有...
OPENAI_API_主机 api.openai.com 供Azure 使用的基本 URL https://<endpoint>.openai.azure.com OPENAI_API_类型 openai API 类型,选项为 openai 或 azure OPENAI_API_版本 2023-03-15-preview 仅适用于 Azure OpenAI AZURE_DEPLOYMENT_ID 当使用 Azure OpenAI 时需要,请参考 Azure OpenAI API OPENAI_组织 您...
importosfromazure.core.credentialsimportAzureKeyCredentialfromazure.ai.textanalyticsimportTextAnalyticsClient# 获取AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINTazure_openai_endpoint=os.environ["AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT"]# 创建Azure Text Analytics客户端credential=AzureKeyCredential("<your_text_analytics_key>")text_analytics_client=TextAn...
Create a private endpoint - PowerShell Create a private endpoint - Azure CLI Create a private endpoint - Bicep Create a private endpoint - ARM template Create a private endpoint - Terraform Create a Private Link service - Azure portal
privateStringcallAzureAPI(Stringoperation,StringrequestBodyString){MediaTypemediaType=MediaType.parse("application/json");Stringurl=String.format("%s/openai/deployments/%s/%s?api-version=%s",endpoint,deployment,operation,apiVersion);logger.info("Request body: {}",requestBodyString);RequestBodybody=Reques...
I have disabled public network access for Azure OpenAI, Azure AI Search, and the Storage Account. I created a virtual network with two subnets: one subnet is used for private endpoints for OpenAI, AI Search, and the Storage Account, and the other is for… ...
endpoint path Yes stringurl Supported Azure OpenAI endpoints (protocol and hostname, for example: https://aoairesource.openai.azure.com. Replace "aoairesource" with your Azure OpenAI resource name). https://{your-resource-name}.openai.azure.com deployment-id path Yes string api-version query...
Now that APIM is deployed and automatically configured to work with your Azure OpenAI service Click here to learn how do you use the APIM endpoint to interact with Azure OpenAI?API Management to Azure OpenAI with private endpointsUse API management deployed to your Azure environment using ...
staticvoidMain(string[] args){stringserviceName ="<your-search-service-name>";stringapiKey ="<your-search-service-admin-api-key>";stringindexName ="hotels-quickstart";// Create a SearchIndexClient to send create/delete index commandsUri serviceEndpoint =newUri($"https://{serviceName}.search...