转到您的函数应用程序,然后在左侧的“设置”部分下找到“身份”。 通过Azure 资源的托管标识,您的应用程序可以获得访问令牌,以对使用 Microsoft Entra 身份验证的资源进行身份验证。因此,您需要向我们的 Function App 的身份授予对 Azure 资源管理器中资源的访问权限,在本例中为 Azure Open AI。我们将读者角色分配给...
Hello, I'm currently an internal network PC user connected to Azure ER. I'm using vscode for development Invoking azure resources by modifying the window's host file. It is possible to call the index list of aisearch via postman, but An ssl error is… ...
根据Postman 集合创建 使用CLI 创建 遵循编码标准 针对Web API 创建 创建Azure 逻辑应用连接器 创建Azure 逻辑应用连接器 (SOAP) 在解决方案中创建自定义连接器 使用Dataverse API 管理解决方案自定义连接器 在解决方案自定义连接器中使用环境变量 示例 高级学习 策略模板 验证自定义连接器 使用自定义连接器 验证连接...
Open a new terminal and do the following: Bash pip3 install -r requirements.txt func start Using your favorite REST client, e.g.RestClient in VS Code, PostMan, curl, make a post.test.httphas been provided to run this quickly.
Open the PowerSkills solution in Visual Studio Set the project for the function to test as the startup project Hit F5 Experiment with calling the function using Postman You can also create your own skills using our Hello World template skill as a starting point or if you are using python ou...
사용자 지정 커넥터 만들기, Postman 컬렉션 가져오기를 차례로 선택합니다. 사용자 지정 커넥터의 이름을 입력한 다음, 다운로드한 OpenAPI 파일로 이동하고 연결을 선택합니다. 테이...
如以上黄色高亮内容, download指令调用了 "GET /certificates/cscert01/?api-version=7.0 HTTP/1.1" 200 2114,且返回的HTTP Code为200 成功。所以当我们单独对get certificates接口请求时,在返回结果中,发现cer属性值就是证书PEM格式内容。通过Postman发送请求并验证结果: ...
通过Postman 进行测试 对比起传统对模型应用的做法,你可以更简单地利用自定义视觉的服务,生成应用场景的代码,并利用 Azure Function 部署作为接口给任意的应用场景调用,消除了很多繁琐的工作。 安装Azure CLI https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli ...
We can test the Function in the browser or a tool like Postman. We can now deploy our Function to Azure (production environment) and test it there as well. VS Code is excellent for this so make sure to leverage the Azure Functions extension. Alternatively, you can use the Core Tool...
Once the Azure Function code has deployed to Azure, we are able to test the Function in the Azure Portal or via a REST client such as Postman. If there’s a change in the recipe, the database can be updated to return different ingredients or amounts. Since both our ...