Azure NetApp Files connectivity over Virtual WAN is supported only when using Standard networking features. For more information seeSupported network topologies. Before you begin Before you proceed with configuring virtual WAN for Azure NetApp Files, confirm: ...
Networking Migrate workloads Virtual machines Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Storage Configure storage policies Configure vSAN Configure customer-managed key encryption at rest Configure Azure Elastic SAN Manage and protect VMs on Azure NetApp Files
Azure NetApp Files에는 용량에 대한 지역 제한이 있습니다. 각 구독에 대한 표준 용량 제한은 모든 서비스 수준에서 지역당 25TiB입니다. 용량을 늘리려면 서비스 및 구독 제한(할당량) ...
Azure NetApp Files has a regional limit for capacity. The standard capacity limit for each subscription is 25 TiB, per region, across all service levels. To increase the capacity, use the Service and subscription limits (quotas) support request....
Azure NetApp Files (ANF) brings the strength of NetApp ONTAP to the cloud as a native Azure service, offering broad protocol compatibility, and sub-millisecond latency. The general availability release of large volumes, raising the scale from 50 TiB to 2 PiB with over 700,000 IOPS and 12.5...
Azure NetApp Files Azure Integration Environment Azure Quantum Azure Resource Graph Azure Spring Apps Azure Sphere Azure Stack Admin Azure Stack HCI Azure Video Indexer Azure Web PubSub Service Batch Management Batch Service Billing Billing Benefits Blueprints Carbon optimization CDN Chaos Studio Cognitive ...
Add a pool with accelerated networking Sample request HTTP HTTP Copy POST { "id": "mypool01", "vmSize": "Standard_D1_v2", "virtualMachineConfiguration": { "imageReference": { "publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer", "offe...
Azure NetApp Files (ANF) brings the strength of NetApp ONTAP to the cloud as a native Azure service, offering broad protocol compatibility, and sub-millisecond latency. The general availability release of large volumes, raising the scale from 50 TiB to 2 PiB with over 700,000 IOPS and 12.5...
3、系统中间件虚拟化应用数据库自行管理自行管理存储服务器网络操作系统中间件虚拟化数据库应用Microsoft AzureEMC/HDS/NetAppHP/Dell/LenovoCisco/Huawei/H3C+运营商Windows/LinuxWeblogic/WebSphereVMware/Hyper-V/KVMERP/CRM/HR/SAP HANAOracle/MS SQL/MySQL3*3*3*3*2*2*3=972 至少上千种排列组合,系统集成、运...
This article does not include the scope of using SMB volumes on Azure Files or Azure NetApp Files in your SAP system for interface or anything else. If you use them, ensure that they get replicated into DR region as well. To have similar high availability S...