Az Azure NAT Gateway egy teljes körűen felügyelt szolgáltatás, amely biztonságosan irányítja az internetes forgalmat egy privát virtuális hálózatról nagyvállalati szintű teljesítménnyel és alacsony késéssel.
最好使用 Azure NAT 网关来缩放和动态分配出站 SNAT 端口。 它为每个公共 IP 地址提供 64,512 个 SNAT 端口,并且最多支持 16 个公共 IP 地址。 这实际上最多可提供 1,032,192 个出站 SNAT 端口。 Azure NAT 网关还在子网级别动态分配 SNAT 端口,因此其关联 IP 地址提供的所有 SNAT 端口都可按需使用,其...
it can reuse a SNAT port that is currently in use so long as that SNAT port connects to a different destination endpoint. This specific behavior is beneficial to any customer who is making outbound connections to multiple destination endpoints with NAT gateway. ...
NAT 网关的示例 SNAT 流 相关内容 通过源网络地址转换 (SNAT),来自专用虚拟网络的流量可以连接到 Internet,同时保持完全专用。 SNAT 可将源数据包的源 IP 和端口重写为公共 IP 和端口组合。 端口用作唯一标识符,以区分不同的连接。 Internet 使用五元组哈希(协议、源 IP/端口、目标 IP/端口)来实现此区分。
Azure 防火墙仅为每个公共 IP 地址提供 2,496 个 SNAT 端口。 虽然 Azure 防火墙最多可以与 250 个公共 IP 地址关联以处理出口流量,但进行出站连接可能需要较少的公共 IP 地址。 要求使用较少的公共 IP 地址进行出站连接是由于目标终结点的体系结构要求和允许列表限制。
NAT Gateway provides dynamic SNAT port functionality to automatically scale outbound connectivity and reduce the risk of SNAT port exhaustion. Figure: Azure NAT Gateway Azure NAT Gateway provides outbound connectivity for many Azure resources, including: ...
这个网段,需要接受外部网段来访问VM的管理的端口,比如SSH或RDP。这种网段建议采用VIP的Inbound Nat Rule做Port Mapping来实现隐藏管理端口实现对外部提供服务的功能。 当然也可以采用PIP地址来实现对外提供管理功能的端口,但这样的安全隐患比较大,不建议使用。
On the destination server, the packet capture shows that the source IP has changed to the public IP of the Azure Firewall. The source port and Seq #s has also been changed because of the flow being filtered by an Application rule. This SNAT behavior is expected in this configuration. ...
However, you do need to create some inbound rule; otherwise, the Public IP will not be allocated to the load balancer, as it is assumed it is not in use. The easiest way to deal with this is to create an inbound NAT rule on a high port and then ensure you block this with an ...
route-map Cust30_MSFT_sNAT deny 5 match ip address Local_BGP_301 ! route-map Cust30_MSFT_sNAT permit 10 description NAT any traffic in VRF 301 with NH toward Microsoft Peering match ip next-hop 10 It is your responsibility to ensure that the NAT IP pool advertised...