在Azure 门户中,选择源 Azure Database for MySQL 灵活服务器实例。 从菜单中的“设置”下,选择“复制”。 选择要删除的副本服务器。 [ 选择“删除副本” 键入副本的名称,然后选择“删除”以确认删除副本。 删除源服务器 重要 删除源服务器会停止复制到所有副本服务器,并删除源服务器本身。 副本服务器成为现在支...
The read replica feature uses MySQL asynchronous replication. The feature isn't meant for synchronous replication scenarios. There will be a measurable delay between the source and the replica. The data on the replica eventually becomes consistent with the data on the source. Use this feature for...
From the Azure CLI: az mysql server replica create -n mydemoreplica1 -g myresourcegroup -s mydemomaster Below are some application patterns used by our customers and partners that leverage read replicas for scaling workloads. BI reporting Data from disparate data sources is processed every few ...
However, when you set up an Azure Database for MySQL read replica, all the tables from your primary instance are copied to the read replicas by default. While theAzure Database for MySQLservice doesn’t support filtering a table or a database schema from a r...
Universal Cross Region Read Replica on Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server (General Availability) Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server now supports Universal Read Replicas in Public regions. This feature allows you to replicate your data from an instance of Azure Database for MySQL Flexible...
Theread replicafeature allows you to replicate data from an Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server instance to a read-only server. You can replicate from the source server toup to 10 replicas. Replicas are updated asynchronously via the MySQL engine's nativebinary log (binlog) file positio...
, a Microsoft Technology partner, offers a database proxy to improve write-master / read replica scale for SQL databases (e.g. MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server, Azure SQL Database) without application changes. Background Toscalethedatabasetier efficiently, datab...
Starting today, you can createread replicas for PostgreSQLin any supported region. You can also promote a replica to an independent server group that is readable and writable. Cross-region read replicas along with cluster promotion then brings you the following benefits: ...
version 8.0 4.7.3 Azure Blob Storage The Azure configuration values are evaluated in the following order of precedence: Option. See the Azure-specific sections ofChapter 11,MySQL Shell Utilitiesfor the applicable options. Environment variable. SeeEnvironment Variables. ...
命令az mysql server replica create 具有--sku-name 引數,可讓您在使用 Azure CLI 建立複本時指定 SKU ({pricing_tier}_{compute generation}_{vCores})。 主要伺服器和讀取複本應該位於相同的定價層 (一般用途或記憶體最佳化)。 複本伺服器設定在建立後可以變更。 建議複本伺服器設定的值應保持等於或大於...