2. 具体的Metric可以参考:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/reference/supported-metrics/microsoft-dbformysql-flexibleservers-metrics - job_name: azure-metrics-databases scrape_interval: 1m metrics_path: /probe/metrics/list params: name: ["azure-database"] subscription: - 166157...
"Microsoft.Insights/metrics", "name": { "value": "MongoRequestsCount", "localizedValue": "(deprecated) Mongo Request Rate" }, "unit": "CountPerSecond", "timeseries": [], "errorMessage": "Sampling type is not found. Metric:CosmosDBCustomer,AzureMonitor,MongoRequests, SamplingType:Nullable...
Azure Monitor Application Insights.NET 和 .NET Core SDK 有两种不同的收集自定义指标的方法:TrackMetric()和GetMetric()。 这两种方法的主要区别在于本地聚合。TrackMetric()方法缺少预聚合数据。GetMetric()方法具有预聚合数据。 建议使用聚合,因此,TrackMetric()不再是收集自定义指标的首选方法。 本文介绍如何使...
使用以下带 --disable-azure-monitor-metrics 参数的 az aks update Azure CLI 命令删除 AKS 群集中的指标加载项,或使用带有 --name azuremonitor-metrics 参数的 az k8s-extension delete Azure CLI 命令删除已启用 Arc 的群集中的指标加载项,并停止将 Prometheus 指标发送到 Azure Monitor适用于 Prometheus 的...
Monitor workload performanceYou can use Azure Monitor to analyze workloads that utilize Azure Files. Follow these steps.Navigate to your storage account in the Azure portal. In the service menu, under Monitoring, select Metrics. Under Metric namespace, select File....
Azure Monitor resource logs Azure Monitor Log Analytics tables Log Analytics sample queries Save Add to Collections Add to plan Share via Facebookx.comLinkedInEmail Print Article 01/30/2025 2 contributors Feedback In this article Exporting platform metrics to other locations ...
Azure Monitor provides platform metrics for most services. These metrics are: Individually defined for each namespace. Stored in the Azure Monitor time-series metrics database. Lightweight and capable of supporting near real-time alerting.
我们回到 Azure Monitor Log Analytics, 查看是否能够查到 Prometheus 相应的数据 # KUSTO 查询语句 InsightsMetrics | where Namespace == 'prometheus' 导入Grafana 模板 导入完成之后, 这里 Grafana 目前针对于 Log Analytics 有个Bug, 只会默认选择第一个workspace, 导致所有数据显示不出来, 我们需要手动更改保存,...
Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus 是基于 Prometheus 的托管服务,能够自动化复杂的任务,如扩展、高可用性和长期数据保留。 它提供完全托管的 Prometheus 数据的收集、存储、规则评估和查询。 该服务利用了 Azure Monitor Metrics 所使用的相同平台,并扩展以处理 Prometheus 格式的指标数据。