有关Windows 应用 SDK开发所需的工具的详细信息,请参阅安装Windows 应用 SDK工具。本教程只能在 Windows 系统上完成。下载示例应用在浏览器中打开 azure-mobile-apps 存储库。 打开“代码 ”下拉列表,然后选择“ 下载ZIP”。 下载完成后,打开 “下载” 文件夹并找到 azure-mobile-apps-main.zip 该文件。 右键...
全文标题:【Azure 应用服务】Azure Mobile App (NodeJS) 的服务端部署在App Service for Windows中出现404 Not Found -- The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. 问题描述 使用NodeJS的后端应用,开发一个Mobile App的服务端,手机端通过REST A...
Download the Azure mobile app for iOS or Android to monitor your Azure resources, such as virtual machines, even when you’re away from your computer.
全文标题:【Azure 应用服务】Azure Mobile App (NodeJS) 的服务端部署在App Service for Windows中出现404 Not Found -- The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. 问题描述 使用NodeJS的后端应用,开发一个Mobile App的服务端,手机端通过REST A...
If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation]In this article, you'll learn how to extend an existing Azure Mobile Services-powered Android app to a Windows Store app for Windows 8.Microsoft offers Azure Mobile Services, a cloud-based database for mobile apps, which ...
A lightweight mobile client app, created with Xamarin to run on Windows, Android and iOS (see Figure 1). The mobile client fetches the aggregated data from the back end and presents it to the user. It also keeps a synchronized cache of the data in a local database for a good offline...
Inicia sesión con tu cuenta de Azure. Si no tienes una, crea unacuenta gratuita de Azure. Obtén la aplicación para iOS Descubre cómo valoran los clientes Azure Mobile App para iPhone y iPad. Descarga la aplicación para Android Ve lo que comentan los clientes sobre Azure Mobile App....
了解如何使用 Azure 应用服务中的移动应用,通过 Xamarin 或 Cordova 构建和托管本机 iOS、Android 或 Windows 应用,或者跨平台应用。 概述 概念 什么是移动应用? 应用服务计划 应用服务视频库 快速入门 快速入门 创建Android 应用 创建Apache Cordova 应用
(Windows) Microsoft 市集開發人員帳戶和Windows 10 裝置設定通知中樞Azure App Service 的 Mobile Apps 使用 Azure 通知中樞來傳送推送,因此您將為行動應用程式設定通知中樞。在Azure 入口網站中,移至 [應用程式服務],然後選取應用程式後端。 在 [設定] 底下,選取 [推播]。 將通知中樞資源新增至...
Azure App Service is considered an excellent Platform as a Service (PaaS), offering an application platform for developers to build Web, mobile and API applications. Its offerings range from simple marketing and digital presence applications to scalable e-commerce solutions and hyper-scale, customizabl...