from azureml.core.model import Model model = Model(ws, 'my_model_name', version=1) 注册某个模型会为构成该模型的一个或多个文件创建逻辑容器。除了模型文件本身的内容,注册模型还将存储模型元数据(包括模型说明、标记和框架信息),在工作区中管理和部署模型时,这些元数据非常有用。 例如,使用标记可以对...
ModelType 是模型类型的值的枚举。 使用API 创建模型时,模型类型用于标识模型的类型。 模型类型可以是“CustomModel”、“MLFlowModel”或“TritonModel”。 继承 builtins.object ModelType 构造函数 Python 复制 ModelType() 属性 CUSTOM 自定义模型类型。 Python 复制 CUSTOM = 'CustomModel' MLFLOW MLFlow...
azureml-accel-models 概觀 azureml.accel.models.accel_model 概觀 azureml.accel.models.accel_model.AccelModel azureml.accel.models.doesnotexisterror azureml.accel.models.utils azureml.accel azureml-automl-core azureml-automl-runtime azureml-core ...
usingSystem.Threading.Tasks;usingMicrosoft.ML;usingMicrosoft.ML.Data;usingMicrosoft.ML.Trainers;usingMicrosoft.ML.Transforms;classModel {publicstaticasyncTask<PredictionModel<IrisData, IrisPrediction>> Train(LearningPipeline pipeline,stringdataPath,stringmodelPath) {//Load Datapipeline.Add(newTextLoader(dataPath...
azureml.core.image.image azureml.core.image.unknown_image azureml.core.keyvault azureml.core.linked_service azureml.core.model 概述 azureml.core.model.InferenceConfig azureml.core.model.Model azureml.core.model.ModelPackage azureml.core.private_endpoint ...
names( <- c(feature.names,"Class") The final line of the code defines the Naïve Bayes classifier algorithm as a function of the variables (features) and outcomes (labels) in thetrain.datadata frame. R model <- naiveBayes(Class ~ ., ...
ML Studio (classic) documentation is being retired and may not be updated in the future. This article describes the modules in Machine Learning Studio (classic) that you can use to define a machine learning model and set its parameters. ...
shooting. When we deploy the modules succesfully on Ubuntu VM, we can perform the same deployment process on other devices such as Data Box Edge. InStep 3, we (1) develop an ML model, (2) build it into docker image, and (3) register it into ACR. When AzureML is used, (2) and ...
usingNewtonsoft.Json;usingMicrosoft.ML;namespaceserverless_ai {publicstaticclassPredict { [FunctionName("Predict")]publicstaticIActionResult Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function,"get","post", Route =null)]HttpRequest req, [Blob("models/", FileAccess.Read, Connection ="AzureWebJobsSt...
来自美国交通部收集的 TranStats 数据集中的乘客航班正常率数据。该数据集覆盖 2013 年 4 月到 10 月的统计,在上传到 Azure ML Studio 之前,该数据集处理如下: 该数据集经过过滤只覆盖美国本土的 70 个最繁忙的机场 废除了标记显示延误超过 15 分钟的航班 ...