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您現在也會具有從 Microsoft 存放庫擷取的存取權: 輸出 複製 origin https://github.com/username/mslearn-tailspin-spacegame-web-deploy.git (fetch) origin https://github.com/username/mslearn-tailspin-spacegame-web-deploy.git (push) upstream https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/mslearn-tailspin-space...
了解Azure 事件中心如何捕获事件以及如何扩展处理应用程序。学习目标 完成此模块后,你将能够: 描述使用事件中心的好处,以及它如何捕获流数据。 解释如何处理事件。 使用事件中心客户端库执行常见操作。开始 添加到集合 添加到计划 先决条件 应熟悉开发人员概念和术语。 对云计算有一定的了解,并有一些 Azure 门户的使用...
Azure 入口網站可讓您在單一、整合的主控台中進行建置、管理及監視,不論是簡單的 Web 應用程式到複雜的雲端應用程式都適用。搜尋資源、服務及文件。 管理資源。 建立自訂儀表板和我的最愛。 存取Cloud Shell。 接收通知。 連結至 Azure 文件。注意 您可以前往 https://portal.azure.com 存取入口網站。
活动类型: 网络研讨会/在线培训/视频/实时流式传输 角色: 主机 2024年12月11日周三, 08:00 主要技术领域: Azure AI Services其他技术领域: Azure AI Services 目标受众:Developer,IT Pro,Business Decision Maker,Technical Decision Maker,Student Online / Free Azure AI Fundamentals Training...
For more insights into Azure skills development as discussed by Hamid, please refer to the article on the Microsoft Learn Blog:Discover Microsoft Azure learning, training, certifications, and career path opportunities - Microsoft Community Hub
Review the student offer for the Microsoft Azure. With Azure for Students Starter, get access to Azure services at no cost, commitment, or time limit.
Manage data ingestion and preparation, model training and deployment, and machine learning solution monitoring with Python, Azure Machine Learning and MLflow. At a glance Level Intermediate Product Azure Role Data Scientist Subject Machine learning Renewal Frequency 12 months Last Updated...
In this article, we’ll use Web Deploy from Visual Studio, but you’ll find information for the rest of the deployment methodologies in the Azure Training Kit (bit.ly/Wb0EKZ). The first step is to log on to the Azure Management Portal. To do so, sign up for a 90-day trial at ...
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