MaxResourceQuota 属性 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client 程序集: Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.Core.dll, Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client.dll 包: Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB v2.18.0, Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.Core v2.18.0 获取此实体的最大大小限制。 C# 复制 public s...
Azure 監視器不會傳回 Azure Resource Graph 查詢錯誤。 Log Analytics 查詢編輯器會將有效的 Azure Resource Graph 查詢標示為語法錯誤。 下列運算子不受支援:smv-apply()、rand()、arg_max()、arg_min()、avg()、avg_if()、countif()、sumif()、percentile()、percentiles()、percentilew()、percentilesw...
Just to show something off here, go ahead and double click on thePublish-AzureResourceGroup.ps1file to bring it up in the document window in Visual Studio (in case you haven’t seen yet, we’ve added coloring for PowerShell scripts). After that, you can right click on thePublish-AzureR...
Azure PowerShell 复制 $dataDiskConfig = New-AzDiskConfig -Location "WestCentralUS" -DiskSizeGB 1024 -AccountType Premium\_LRS -CreateOption Empty -MaxSharesCount 2 New-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" -DiskName "mySharedDisk" -Disk $dataDiskConfig ...
/SUBSCRIPTIONS//RESOURCEGROUPS/<resourceGroupName>/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.DATAFACTORY/FACTORIES/<dataFactoryName> category String 诊断日志的类别。 请将该属性值设置为 ActivityRuns。 ActivityRuns level String 诊断日志的级别。 请将该属性值设置为 Informational。 Informational operationName String 活动的名称及其状态...
{ "maxPrice": -1 }, "scheduledEventsProfile": { "terminateNotificationProfile": { "notBeforeTimeout": "PT10M", "enable": true } }, "userData": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa", "capacityReservation": { "capacityReservationGroup": { "id": "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup...
GET{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{vmName}?api-version=2024-07-01 With optional parameters: HTTP Copy GET{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup...
Resource Group (RG):A new approach to group a collection of assets in logical groups for easy, or even automatic provisioning, monitoring, and access control, and for more effective management of their costs. Azure IoT Central:Microsoft* IoT application development platform that connects IoT device...
Resource Group (RG):A new approach to group a collection of assets in logical groups for easy, or even automatic provisioning, monitoring, and access control, and for more effective management of their costs. Azure IoT Central:Microsoft* IoT application development platform that connects IoT device...
I can't enable Azure backup on some my VMs in Azure. I have already virtual machines migrated from classic to ARM, but disks for a few one are still stored in Classic storage. If I try to enable back... Hirszitoptipl, you can see the migration resource from Azure classic ...