SQL CREATECREDENTIAL [https://<mystorageaccountname>.blob.core.windows.net/<containername>]WITHIDENTITY='MANAGED IDENTITY' 接下来,通过运行以下示例 T-SQL 命令,对数据库进行COPY_ONLY备份: SQL复制 BACKUPDATABASE[SampleDB]TOURL='https://<mystorageaccountname>.blob.core.windows.net/<containername>/Sa...
dataSource.setMSIClientId("your app service systemd identity id");//Replace with Client ID of User-Assigned Managed Identity to be used 参考文档中给出的示例代码这这句代码的要求是可选(Optional),并且说明是 当使用User-AssignedManaged Identity的时候替换成自己的ID。 并没有说当使用SystemManaged Ident...
dataSource.setMSIClientId("your app service systemd identity id"); // **Replace with Client ID of User-Assigned Managed Identity to be used ** 参考文档中给出的示例代码这这句代码的要求是可选(Optional),并且说明是 当使用User-AssignedManaged Identity的时候替换成自己的ID。 并没有说当使用SystemM...
dataSource.setMSIClientId("your app service systemd identity id");//Replace with Client ID of User-Assigned Managed Identity to be used 参考文档中给出的示例代码这这句代码的要求是可选(Optional),并且说明是 当使用User-AssignedManaged Identity的时候替换成自己的ID。 并没有说当使用SystemManaged Ident...
SqlServerDataFeedSource.cs 使用托管标识身份验证。 C# publicstaticAzure.AI.MetricsAdvisor.Administration.SqlServerDataFeedSource.AuthenticationType ManagedIdentity {get; } 属性值 SqlServerDataFeedSource.AuthenticationType 适用于 产品版本 Azure SDK for .NETLatest...
SQL 複製 -- Optional: Create MASTER KEY if it doesn't exist in the database: -- CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '<Some Very Strong Password Here>' GO CREATE DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL MyCredential WITH IDENTITY = 'Managed Identity' 外部資料來源 外部資料來源是一種抽象概念,可...
Create a user-assigned managed identity and assign it the necessary permission to be a server or managed instance identity. For more information, see Manage user-assigned managed identities and user-assigned managed identity permissions for Azure SQL. Az.Sql modul...
SQL Managed Instance authentication refers to how users prove their identity when connecting to the database. SQL Managed Instance supports three types of authentication: SQL Authentication: This authentication method uses a username and password. ...
有了SP和Azure SQL数据库之后,首先需要给Azure SQL添加一个AAD管理员,原因和过程都和之前使用managed identity访问数据库的时候一样 之后运行TSQL来创建db level的user,对应的其实就是service principal的名字 CREATEUSER mxyspFROMEXTERNAL PROVIDER; ALTERROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER mxysp; ...
In addition to Windows Authentication, existing apps will be able to leverage other benefits of modern security:AAD authentication for linked servers, use ofManaged Identitycredentials in BULK INSERT and BACKUP / RESTORE scenarios andAzure network endpoint policies, now supported by ...