使具有丰富生产经验的开发者和数据科学家更快地构建、训练和部署机器学习模型。借助行业领先的 MLOps (用于机器学习的 DevOps)缩短上市时间并促进团队协作。在受信任的安全平台 (专为负责任的 AI 而设计)上进行创新。浏览定价选项 现用现付 以秒为单位为计算容量付款,无需长期承诺或提前付款。可按需增加或减少使...
MachineLearning.Models Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models AmlCompute AmlComputeNodeInformation AmlComputeProperties AmlComputeScaleSettings AmlToken AutoForecastHorizon AutoMLJob AutoMLVertical AutoMLVerticalRegression AutoMLVerticalRegressionModel AutoMLVerticalRegressionPrimaryMetric AutoNCrossValidations Au...
As you create compute resources for Azure Machine Learning, you see estimated costs. To create a compute instance and view the estimated price: Sign into the Azure Machine Learning studio. On the left side, select Compute. On the top toolbar, select +New. Review the estimated price shown fo...
在此示例中,“Web 服务输入”和“汽车价格数据(原始)”连接到同一下游组件,因此,“Web 服务输入”需要与“汽车价格数据(原始)”相同的数据架构,并且架构中包括目标变量列 price。 但是,为数据评分时,你不知道目标变量值。 这种情况下,你可以使用“选择数据集中的列”组件删除推理管道中的目标变量列。 确保“选择...
See pricing details for Azure Machine Learning (classic), a drag-and-drop development environment for building and running machine learning workflows.
Machine Learning 概要 管理 リソース管理 - Machine Learning コンピューティング リソース管理 - Machine Learning Services 概要 azure-mgmt-machinelearningservices 概要 azure.mgmt.machinelearningservices 概要 azure.mgmt.machinelearningservices.aio azure.mgmt.machinelearningservices.model...
汽车价格数据(Automobile price data,原始数据) 按厂家和车型分类的汽车信息,其中包括价格、气缸数量和 MPG 等特征,以及保险风险评分(insurance risk score)。 这个风险评分最初是与汽车价格关联的,后来根据实际风险在一个被精算师称为符号化(symboling)的过程中进行了调整。+3 的值表示该汽车是有风险的,而 -3 的...
Machine Learning Maintenance Managed Applications Managed DevOps Pools Managed Grafana Managed Identity Managed Services Management Groups Maps Maps Creator Maps Management MariaDB Marketplace Catalog Marketplace Ordering Media Services Mixed Reality ML Studio (classic) Mobile Network Monitor MySQL Network Gatew...
{ "maxPrice": -1 }, "scheduledEventsProfile": { "terminateNotificationProfile": { "notBeforeTimeout": "PT10M", "enable": true } }, "userData": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa", "capacityReservation": { "capacityReservationGroup": { "id": "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup...
When getting started with Azure Machine Learning, the hardest part for many developers is staring down the list of Azure machine learning algorithms (there are currently 25 of them) and trying to figure out which one would work best. In this blog post, I will provide some resources for helpi...