Azure Logic Apps 依靠 Azure 儲存體來儲存和自動加密待用資料。 這道加密可保護您的資料安全,並協助您符合組織安全性和合規性承諾。 根據預設,Azure 儲存體會使用 Microsoft 管理的金鑰來加密您的資料。 如需詳細資訊,請檢閱待用資料的 Azure 儲存體加密。若...
Azure Logic Apps 工作流程是 Azure 中的資源。 因此,我們可以透過將之新增至資源清單,以部署在 Resource Manager 範本的 resources 區段中,以將之部署在範本中。 我們究竟要在 resources 區段中新增什麼內容,才能定義工作流程? 我們要將上述工作流程的 JSON 工作流程定義新增至 resourc...
(VNET), it’s recommended you use Resource manager for all new development activity. The Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is a more declarative approach that uses templates and scripts. In contrast, interfacing with the Classic model, commonly referred to as Azure Service Manager (ASM), is ...
Azure 资源管理器 创建逻辑应用 ARM 模板 快速入门:在多租户 Azure 逻辑应用中创建和部署消耗型逻辑应用工作流 - ARM 模板 Azure PowerShell Az.LogicApp 模块 Azure PowerShell 入门 Azure REST API Azure 逻辑应用 REST API Azure REST API 参考入门尽管...
Connecting and disconnecting with a virtual network is at an app level. Operations that can affect virtual network integration across multiple apps are at the App Service plan level. From the app,Networking,VNet integration portal, you can get details on your virtual ...
of a new containerized runtime for Logic Apps, the same runtime powering Azure Functions, offering hosting flexibility to run on App Service Plans, Kubernetes, or any cloud and enterprise features such as private endpoints, deployment slots, and more cost-effective Virtual network (VNET) access....
of a new containerized runtime for Logic Apps, the same runtime powering Azure Functions, offering hosting flexibility to run on App Service Plans, Kubernetes, or any cloud and enterprise features such as private endpoints, deployment slots, and more cost-effective Virtual network (VNET) acces...
Azure Virtual Network(VNet) Key Vault Azure Active Directory Azure DevOps Azureのイベント ログ Azure SQL Azure Logic Apps Azure Database for PostgreSQL Azureのデータ ウェアハウス Microsoft Windows Microsoft 365 Microsoftエンドポイント マネージャー Azure Functions 導入...
このような統 合を実現するには,他の Azure サービスと Azure Monitor を連携させます. Event Hubs Event Hubs を使用すると,パートナー SIEM および監視ツールに対して Azure Monitor からログ データをストリーミングできます. Logic Apps Azure Monitor でメトリックとログの読み取りおよ...