Log Analytics 工作区中所有表的默认交互式保留期为 30 天。 可以通过修改工作区级别的数据保留期设置,将分析表的默认交互式保留期更改为最多两年。 基本和辅助表的交互式保留期固定为 30 天。更改默认工作区级别的数据保留期设置会自动影响工作区中仍应用了默认设置的所有分析表。 如果你已更改特定表的交互式保留...
然后运行如下命令来将保留时间设置为180天 ARMClient Put /subscriptions/$Subscription/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/$LogAnalyticsName/Tables/SecurityEvent?api-version=2017-04-26-preview "{properties: {retentionInDays: 180}}" 1. 现在,我们的Log Analytics Works...
//[之前已创建] 创建LA workspace,日志保留30天 (保留时间以后还可以改动) az monitor log-analytics workspace create --resource-group loganRG --workspace-name SecurityDemo --retention-time 30 //[之前已创建] 创建虚机使用的资源组 az group create -l chinanorth -n loganRGn //创建CentOS Linux虚拟机...
Log Analytics 工作區複寫Azure 監視器不會將使用輔助方案之資料表中的資料複寫到次要工作區。 因此,此資料在發生區域失敗時不會受到資料遺失的保護,且在您轉向次要工作區時無法使用。 客戶管理的金鑰使用輔助方案之資料表中的資料會使用 Microsoft 管理的金鑰加密,即使您使用自己的加密金鑰來保護 Log Analytics 工作...
建立Log Analytics 工作區下列範例會建立新的空白 Log Analytics 工作區 。 工作區具有唯一的工作區識別碼和資源識別碼。 您可以在不同的 資源群組 中重複使用相同的工作區名稱。備註如果您指定免費 定價層 ,請移除 retentionInDays 元素。範本檔案Bicep JSON Bicep 複製 @description('Specify the na...
Using an update policy (think of this as a function that will be applied to all new data), the expanded data will then be ingested into the final table that will have the same schema as the original one in Log Analytics/Sentinel. We will set the retent...
If we had the Log Analytics (Diagnostic Settings) integration turned on when we created or modified the pool, we should be able to capture pool information via this query. The pool creation/modification time also needs be within your Log Analytics retention period. By linking together cluster cr...
Using an update policy (think of this as a function that will be applied to all new data), the expanded data will then be ingested into the final table that will have the same schema as the original one in Log Analytics/Sentinel. We will set the retent...
Billing for Storage Analytics The amount of storage used by logs data is billable. You're also billed for requests to create blobs for logging. If you have configured a data retention policy, you can reduce the spending by deleting old log data. For more information about retention policies,...