LogAnalyticsIdentifier MdeOnboarding MqttC2DMessagesNotInAllowedRange MqttC2DRejectedMessagesNotInAllowedRange MqttD2CMessagesNotInAllowedRange OnPremiseResourceDetails OnPremiseSqlResourceDetails PathRecommendation PathRecommendationFileType ProcessNotAllowed ProxyServerProperties QueuePurgesNotInAllowedRange RecommendationAc...
如需通过 Windows 计算机上运行的混合辅助角色来加速部署 Log Analytics 代理,请使用 PowerShell 脚本 New-OnPremiseHybridWorker.ps1。 脚本: 安装所需的模块。 使用Azure 帐户登录。 验证是否存在指定的资源组和自动化帐户。 创建对自动化帐户属性的引用。
用于将日志发送到Log Analytics 的 Azure Log Analytics 工作区。 将日志发送到 Azure Monitor 登录到Microsoft Intune管理中心。 选择“报表”>“诊断设置”。 第一次打开它时,需要启用它。 否则,请添加设置。 如果未显示 Azure 订阅,请转到右上角,选择登录帐户 >切换目录。 你可能需要输入 Azure 订阅帐户。
microsoft.iotsecurity/locations/sites/sensors microsoft.iotsecurity/onpremisesensors microsoft.iotsecurity/sensors 示例查询:按类型统计所有传感器 microsoft.iotsecurity/sites 示例查询:列出具有特定标记值的站点 kubernetesconfigurationresources有关此表的示例查询,请参阅 Resource Graph 的 kubernet...
Azure Log Analytics Agent is a tool to collect telemetry from Windows and Linux virtual machines in any cloud or on-premise machines. It supports Windows and Linux OS. Features: You can use the Log Analytics Agent with virtual machines in Azure, other clouds, and on-premises. ...
How Azure Security Center helps detect attacks against your Linux machines –Azure Security Center (ASC) is now extending its Linux threat detection preview program, both on cloud and on-premise. New capabilities include detection of suspicious processes, suspect login attempts, and anomalous kernel ...
We would like to link Azure WAF to on-premise SIEM for security control. I have a few inquiries regarding this. 1. Should I send the log through event hub? 2. If I send the log through the event hub, it will be blocked by our firewall. Can you tell me... Read more 71...
They already have on-premise Windows Server licenses, so they enroll in Software Assurance to get a credit for those licenses with the Azure Hybrid Benefit when deploying their VMs to save on operating costs. Post-deployment optimization in Azure: After running their environment on Azure for a ...
Hello, I am looking for a way to be able to consult the events that I get from my file server onpremise with azure monitor. Some can give me some idea of how to do it.? HiKarlos_Mar, Not sure what exactly you need here. To collect event...
Architettura da on-premise a multicloud Implementazione split-stack di Azure e OCI Migrazione dei carichi di lavoro on-premise in OCI e Microsoft Azure Quando le applicazioni sono sensibili alla latenza di accesso al database o richiedono un throughput elevato dai database, migrare il livello ...