前端IP 配置使用公共标准负载均衡器时,公共 IP 的 SKU 必须为标准。 标准 LB 不支持基本公共 IP使用公共基本负载均衡器时,公共 IP 的 SKU 必须为“基本”。 基本 LB 不支持标准公共 IP 诊断Azure Monitor 多维指标不支持 HA 端口可用于内部负载均衡器不可用 ...
Choose Standard for production workloads. For testing and evaluation and training, choose Basic. Tier - Select whether your load balancer is balancing within a region (Regional) or across regions (Global) - If you select the Basic SKU, this setting is greyed ou...
Pour comparer et comprendre les différences entre les références (SKU) De base et Standard, consultez le tableau suivant.Agrandir le tableau Standard Load BalancerBasic Load Balancer Scénario Equipé pour le trafic de couche réseau d’équilibrage de charge lorsque des performances élevées et ...
Maximum load-balanced kubernetes services per cluster with Standard Load Balancer SKU 300 Maximum nodes per cluster with Virtual Machine Availability Sets and Basic Load Balancer SKU 1001 More are allowed upon request. 2 Windows Server containers must use Azure CNI networking plug-in. Kubenet ...
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Pricing How to buy Azure pricing Free Azure services Azure account Flexible purchase options Azure benefits and incentives Pricing tools and resources Pricing calculator TCO calculator Optimize your costs FinOps on Azure Partners Find a partner Azure Marketplace Find a partner Beco...
Move to production gateway SKUs from Basic gateways: Notifies you when your Gateways are using the Basic SKU which has lower performance than a Production SKU. Always use production gateway SKUs for Citrix infrastructure and users to provide the best performance and end user experience. Enable ...
"Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways","location":"[resourceGroup().location]","dependsOn": ["[concat('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/', parameters('publicIPAddressName'))]"],"properties": {"sku": {"name":"[variables('skuName')]","tier":"Standard","capacity":"[variables('capacity'...
keyvaultsku="standard" # azure cosmos db cosmosdbaccountname="<azure-cosmos-db-account-name>" cosmosdbuseazurecredential="true" cosmosdbdatabasename="todoapidb" cosmosdbcollectionname="todoapicollection" # azure service bus servicebusnamespace="<azure-service-bus-namespace-...
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