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Azure 混合权益可以降低运行 Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 和 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 虚拟机规模集的成本。 Linux 虚拟机规模集的 Azure 混合权益现已正式发布。 它适用于 Azure 市场中的所有 RHEL 和 SLES 即用即付映像。启用Azure 混合权益时,产生的唯一费用是规模集基础结构的成本。备注...
{ "autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true, "forceUpdateTag": null, "id": "/subscriptions/subscriptionid/resourceGroups/rgname/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vmname/extensions/OmsAgentForLinux", "instanceView": null, "location": "eastus", "name": "OmsAgentForLinux", "protectedSettings": ...
# Set your Azure VM diagnostic variables.my_resource_group=<your_azure_resource_group_name_containing_your_azure_linux_vm>my_linux_vm=<your_azure_linux_vm_name>my_diagnostic_storage_account=<your_azure_storage_account_for_storing_vm_diagnostic_data># Login to Azure before you do anything else...
Linux 诊断扩展可帮助用户监视 Microsoft Azure 上运行的 Linux VM 的运行状况。 它具有以下功能: 从VM 收集系统性能指标,并存储在指定存储帐户中的特定表中。 从syslog 检索日志事件,并存储在指定存储帐户中的特定表中。 让用户能够自定义收集并上传的数据指标。 让用户能够自定义收集和上传的事件的 syslog 辅助参...
Optimize and maximize cloud investment with Azure savings plan for compute As a cloud provider, we are committed to helping our customers get the most value out of their cloud investment through a comprehensive set of pricing models, offers and benefits that adapt ......
Optimize and maximize cloud investment with Azure savings plan for compute As a cloud provider, we are committed to helping our customers get the most value out of their cloud investment through a comprehensive set of pricing models, offers and benefits that adapt ...
首先要注册一个Azure帐号,登录,需要Live ID,电话和信用卡。 微软会发送一条短信给你确认,然后需要填写信用卡信息,如果三个月以后不使用,可以Cancel的。 注意:如果只是测试,每次部署都选择extra small的instance,然后每次用完都把instance删掉,这样就不会花钱...
You can rerun a workflow instance either through Azure portal or an API. At this time, the entire workflow instance executes, regardless where any failure happened in the previous run. This behavior implies that messages are delivered at least once, and that idempotent processing happens at the ...