If you are interested in deploying Azure landing zones, Terraform is a good tool to use. The steps outlined in this tutorial, including setting up and authenticating Terraform for Azure, will help you build a well-managed foundation on which to deploy your workloads. Reading and understanding th...
Azure 登陸區域 Terraform 模組為多雲端作業模型的協力廠商路徑。 此路徑可以限制 Azure 優先的作業模式。 請檢閱設計原則或部署此解決方案至您的 Azure 環境。 Bicep 是使用宣告式語法來部署 Azure 資源的特定領域語言 (DSL)。 您會在 Bicep 檔案中定義要部署至 Azure 的基礎結構。 接著在整個開發生命週期中,使用...
Azure 虛擬桌面 設計Azure 虛擬桌面部署時應該參考的 ARM、Bicep 和 Terraform 範本,包括建立主機集區、網路、記憶體、監視和附加元件。 Azure 虛擬機器 此架構會將 Azure 虛擬機 (VM) 基準架構 的指導方針延伸至應用程式登陸區域,並提供訂用帳戶設定、修補程式合規性和其他組織治理考慮的指引。 Azure VMware 解決...
The Terraform implementation of Azure landing zones is delivered using a single module that acts as an orchestration layer. The orchestration layer allows you to select which resources are deployed and managed using the module. The module can be used multiple times in the same environment to ...
使用Azure 登陆区域 Terraform 模块的好处包括: 通过管理组的订阅组织的托管和可扩展核心资源层次结构。 通过Azure 标识和访问管理 (IAM) 控件提供可缩放的安全治理和合规性,并提供可供分配的广泛自定义定义库。 通过管理组继承跨订阅强制执行策略。 管理和连接登陆区域的受管理资源。 这些资源提供: ...
The Azure Landing Zones Accelerators forBicepandTerraformserve as automation frameworks and include corresponding documentation. Their purpose is to assist our customers and partners in swiftly deploying their Azure Landing Zone architecture by utilizing our pre-existing Azure Lan...
Azure services, policies and conflicts. It's all done for you. And by the way, if you're using Terraform, now there are options to create Azure landing zones at aka.ms/ALZ/terraform. We also have guidance on get hope for using Azure bicep directly to deploy resources at ...
Description We need to create a PoC using Terraform for Azure CAF Landing Zone. The code is on GitHub and we need to use it with little modification. It is urgently needed, so let me know if you have the followin…Go Now Follow WeChat Success story sharing Want to stay one step ...
The Azure landing zones Terraform module is designed to accelerate deployment of platform resources based on the Azure landing zones conceptual architecture using Terraform. This is currently split logically into the following capabilities within the module (links to further guidance on the Wiki): Module...
详细信息 We need to create a PoC using Terraform for Azure CAF Landing Zone. The code is on GitHub and we need to use it with little modification. It is urgently needed, so let me know if you have the followin…免责声明 该外包需求信息来源于站外平台,本站仅提供公开信息部分字段展示与...