This page is an index of Azure Policy built-in policy definitions for Azure Kubernetes Service. For additional Azure Policy built-ins for other services, see Azure Policy built-in definitions.The name of each built-in policy definition links to the policy definition in the Azure portal. Use ...
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a managedcontainerorchestration service based on the open sourceKubernetessystem, which is available on theMicrosoft Azurepublic cloud. Although Kubernetes is useful for managing containerized workloads and services, it can be complex to install and maintain. AKS helps...
Zur Unterstützung beim Planen und Ausführen einer erfolgreichen Migration zu Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) enthält dieser Leitfaden Details zur aktuellen empfohlenen AKS-Konfiguration. Dieser Artikel behandelt zwar nicht jedes Szenario, enthält aber Links zu detaillierteren Informationen für die...
Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensions例如,請參閱此 範例ARM 範本 ,其設計目的是從先前連結的範例 UI 定義取得結果,並將參數傳遞至您的應用程式。用戶參數流程請務必瞭解用戶參數在您建立和封裝的成品中如何流動。 在 Azure 投票應用程式範例中,透過createUiDefinition....
The Kubernetes API server can dynamically provision the underlying Azure Storage resource if no existing resource can fulfill the claim based on the defined storage class.The pod definition includes the volume mount once the volume has been connected to the pod....
Azure Kubernetes Service limits Azure Lab Services Azure Load Testing limits Azure Machine Learning limits Azure Maps limits Azure Managed Grafana limits Azure Monitor limits Azure Data Factory limits Azure NetApp Files Azure Policy limits Azure Quantum limits Azure RBAC limits Azure Si...
In addition to ACI, Microsoft offers a managed service for container orchestration built on the open source Kubernetes system called Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). AKS reduces much of the traditional overhead associated with the installation and maintenance of Kubernetes. However, a user still has ...
If you are using a third-party Kubernetes monitoring tool, this can also be integrated into Sentinel. At the time of writing, we already have a native connector for Alcide kAudit, but look for more native integrations to come in the future!
Environment.ResourceName部署作业中面向的环境中用于运行部署步骤并记录部署历史记录的特定资源的名称。 例如,bookings,它是作为资源添加到环境smarthotel-dev的 Kubernetes 命名空间。 Environment.ResourceId部署作业中面向的环境中用于运行部署步骤的特定资源的 ID。 例如,4。
问题描述 使用.Net Framework 4.5.2为架构的Service Fabric微服务应用,在升级后发布到Azure Fabric中,服务无法运行。通过Service Fabric Explorer查看到服务出现Warning。全部的错误消息为: SF Explorer中查看状态 SF副本