Chris Anderson:我们提高开发效率的承诺不会变,我们已经提供并且将继续提供其他的绑定,让Functions可以更便捷地连接服务和数据。你将会看到,我们会在更多的触发器上投入资源,如像Document DB和Azure IoT Hub这样的Azure服务。另外,我们还会更紧密地集成那些也可以和我们通信的服务,如Azure Monitoring以及像Office 365和Dyna...
Azure Event Hub costs you less than $100 for 2.5 billion 1 KB events per month. Kafka, on the other hand, is open source and free - but the machines it runs on are not. The people you hire to maintain those machines are not. It...
Producer applications: These applications can ingest data to an event hub by using Event Hubs SDKs or any Kafka producer client. Namespace: The management container for one or more event hubs or Kafka topics. The management tasks such as allocating streaming capacity, configuring network security,...
With Azure Event Hubs for Apache Kafka, you can enable existing Kafka clients and applications to talk to Event Hubs without any code changes, giving you a managed Kafka experience without having to manage your own clusters. Explore pricing options ...
Producer applications: These applications can ingest data to an event hub by using Event Hubs SDKs or any Kafka producer client. Namespace: The management container for one or more event hubs or Kafka topics. The management tasks such as allocating streaming capacity, configuring network security,...
第一步:解压 kafka ,在bin/windows文件夹中,找到 kafka-producer-perf-test.bat 文件 第二步:通过CMD,执行 ”kafka-producer-perf-test.bat--help ” 来查看指令的参数 在本文中测试Azure Event Hub 需要配置的参数有: 1) --topic :指定消息需要发送到哪一个Event Hub (注意:kafka的Topic对应于Azure Event...
原来是由于使用的Event Hub定价层为基本层,而Azure支持Apache Kafka协议是在标准版和专用版。所以回到Azure Event Hub的定价层页面,升级到标准版后就可以成功连接到事件中心(Event Hub)。 This error occurs when publishing to a basic plan Event Hub, as the basic plan does not support interaction via Kafka...
第一步:解压 kafka ,在bin/windows文件夹中,找到 kafka-producer-perf-test.bat 文件 第二步:通过CMD,执行 ” kafka-producer-perf-test.bat --help ” 来查看指令的参数 在本文中测试Azure Event Hub 需要配置的参数有: 1) --topic :指定消息需要发送到哪一个Event Hub (注意:kafka的Topic对应于Azure Eve...
第一步:解压 kafka ,在bin/windows文件夹中,找到 kafka-producer-perf-test.bat 文件 image.png 第二步:通过CMD,执行 ” kafka-producer-perf-test.bat --help ” 来查看指令的参数 image.png 在本文中测试Azure Event Hub 需要配置的参数有: 1) --topic :指定消息需要发送到哪一个Event Hub (注意:kafka...
原来是由于使用的Event Hub定价层为基本层,而Azure支持Apache Kafka协议是在标准版和专用版。所以回到Azure Event Hub的定价层页面,升级到标准版后就可以成功连接到事件中心(Event Hub)。 This error occurs when publishing to a basic plan Event Hub, as the basic plan does not support interaction via Kafka...