Azure Lei Zhang的博客 Microsoft Azure News(1) 新的数据中心Japan East, Japan West and Brazil South 《Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录》 微软官方博客今天表示,微软宣布将在日本东部(埼玉县)和日本西部(大阪)提供Windows Azure服务。就在最近,微软为Windows Azure推出了大规模的更新,大量新特性添加到云平台...
亚太区日本东部japaneast 亚太区日本西部japanwest 亚太区韩国中部koreacentral Canada加拿大中部canadacentral 欧洲北欧northeurope 欧洲西欧westeurope 欧洲法国中部francecentral 欧洲德国中西部germanywestcentral 欧洲挪威东部norwayeast 欧洲瑞典中部swedencentral 欧洲瑞士北部switzerlandnorth ...
Release Date:April 27, 2020 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Microsoft Azure cross-cloud connection expanded to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Japan East (Tokyo) region and Azure Tokyo location, seeAccess to Microsoft Azurefor more information.
Japan East, Japan West, Korea Central, Korea South, Malaysia West, New Zealand North, Taiwan, Austria East, Belgium Central, Denmark East, North Europe, West Europe, Finland Central, France Central, France South, Germany West Central, Germany Northeast (Sovereign), Germany Central (Sovereign), ...
日本西部 japanwest 日本东部 japaneast 韩国中部 koreacentral 韩国南部 koreasouth 东亚 eastasia 东南亚 southeastasia 东南亚 southeastasia 澳大利亚中部 australiacentral 澳大利亚中部 2 australiacentral2 此外,您还可以查询哪些 Azure 区域支持特定的 Azure Linux 虚拟机类型。 了解有关 az-vm-list...
JapanEast JapanWest JioIndiaCentral JioIndiaWest KoreaCentral KoreaSouth MalaysiaSouth NorthCentralUS NorthEurope 挪威东部 挪威西部 波兰中心 QatarCentral SouthAfricaNorth SouthAfricaWest SouthCentralUS SoutheastAsia SouthIndia SwedenCentral SwedenSouth
허용되는 지역 목록: EastUS, EastUS2, WestUS, NorthEurope, SoutheastAsia 및 JapanWest2 2 Automation 계정당 동일한 시간에 동시에 실행되는 최대 작업 수 50 이 한도에 도달하면 작업을 만들기 위한 후속 ...
Japan East (Tokyo) NRT Tokyo Singapore (Singapore) - SIN Singapore South Korea Central (Seoul) - ICN Seoul Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) OCI locationAzure ExpressRoute location Germany Central (Frankfurt) - FRA Frankfurt and Frankfurt2 Netherlands Northwest (Amsterdam) - AMS Amersterdam2 ...
#eastus East US #eastus2 East US 2 #westus West US #northcentralus North Central US #southcentralus South Central US #northeurope North Europe #westeurope West Europe #japanwest Japan West #japaneast Japan East #brazilsouth Brazil South ...
SouthJapan EastJapan WestItaly NorthIsrael CentralCentral IndiaSouth IndiaWest IndiaGermany NorthGermany West CentralFrance CentralFrance SouthNorth EuropeWest EuropeCanada CentralCanada EastBrazil SouthBrazil SoutheastUS Gov ArizonaUS Gov TexasUS Gov VirginiaAustralia CentralAustralia Central 2Australia East...