D3DX10, D3DX11, XAudio 2.7, XInput 1.3, XACT, and/or Managed DirectX 1.1. Note that this package does not modify the DirectX Runtime installed on your Windows OS in any way.
Azure 信息保护经典客户端是原始的可下载客户端,适用于使用 Azure 信息保护对文档和电子邮件进行分类和保护的组织,或使用 Rights Management 服务保护其数据的组织。 此客户端还有一个查看器,适用于没有自己的信息保护基础结构但想要使用其他组织使用 Microsoft Rights Management Service 保护的内容的组织。
安装包下载地址 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53018 23、 软件程序库、概览 、应用程序、建立应用程序,在指定应用程序设定中,类型选择Windows安装 .MSI文件,浏览指定共享目录中的.MSI文件. 24、 下一步、直到完成自动导入 25、 重复15-21 针对集合进行应用程序部署,因为AIP需要Dot ...
The white papers available as part of this download covers the various aspects of Azure Information Protection offering and provide in-depth information to evaluate or use Azure Information Protection (formely Azure RMS), AD RMS, and the other components. For more information about Azure Information...
AIP (Azure Information Protection) Azure 信息保护是基于云的解决方案,可帮助组织对其文档和电子邮件进行分类、添加标签和保护。 但因为AIP需要Framework4.6...
Azure Information Protection Azure Information Protection An Azure service that is used to control and help secure email, documents, and sensitive data that are shared outside the company. 556 questions Sign in to follow Windows 10 Security Windows 10 Security Windows 10: A Microsoft ope...
了解如何使用 Azure 信息保护在公司防火墙内外控制并保护电子邮件、文档和敏感数据。 请注意,AIP 统一标记客户端当前处于维护模式。 对于 Office 应用程序的功能,建议你改为使用内置标记。 关于Azure 信息保护 概述 什么是 Azure 信息保护? 管理根加密密钥 操作指南 规划和实现 Azure 信息保护租户密钥 Microsoft 信息...
The Azure Information Protection unified labeling client requires a minimum version of Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2. If this is missing, the installer tries to download and install this prerequisite. When this prerequisite is installed as part of the client installation, your computer must be r...
iPad 描述 Azure Information Protection app enables you to securely collaborate with others. You can view protected files (Rights protected email messages, PDF files, pictures, text files, and any other file format that is protected as a .pfile) that others have shared with you. ...
When you try to connect to Microsoft Azure Information Protection using Windows PowerShell in Microsoft Office 365, you get an error message that resembles the following:PS C:\> Connect-AipServiceConnect-AipService : The attempt to connect to the Azure Information Protection service failed...