您決定要測試 Azure Image Builder,以找出是否能符合 Contoso IT 作業人員的需求。 您計劃使用 Azure Image Builder 與您從 GitHub 程式庫下載的範例 .json 範本來建立 Windows VM。 但首先,您必須向您的 Azure 訂閱註冊 Azure Image Builder。註冊Azure Image ...
Azure Image Builder 會使用 Bicep 檔案或 ARM 範本 JSON 範本檔案,將資訊傳遞至 Image Builder 服務。 在本文中,我們會探討檔案的區段,以便您自行建置。 如需最新的 API 版本,請參閱 範本參考。 若要查看完整.json檔案的範例,請參閱 Azure Image Builder GitHub。 基本格式為: JSON Bicep JSON 複製 { "...
Azure Image Builder 會使用 Bicep 檔案或 ARM 範本 JSON 範本檔案,將資訊傳遞至 Image Builder 服務。 在本文中,我們會探討檔案的區段,以便您自行建置。 如需最新的 API 版本,請參閱 範本參考。 若要查看完整.json檔案的範例,請參閱 Azure Image Builder GitHub。
Use triggers in Azure Image Builder to enable automatic image creation when criteria are met in a build pipeline
DockerPullerBuilder Painless pull and build image using Github Actions Usage Fork this repo and trigger your own Actions, load your artifact as follow: unzip -p action_image_artifact_repo_latest.zip | docker load Reference Dropdown for GitHub Workflows input parameters - Stack Overflow ishworkh...
name: Image digest run: echo ${{ steps.docker_build.outputs.digest }} Now we want to find out how we could take our image we have built and get that deployed onto ACI. The first thing I will need to do is head over to my Github repository and add in a few more secrets which wi...
Image Builder Impact Intelligent Recommendations Internet Analyzer IoT Operations IoT Central IoT Hub IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service Key Vault Kubernetes Configuration Lab Services Load balancer Log Analytics Logic Apps Logz Machine Learning Maintenance Managed Applications Managed DevOps Pools Managed Grafa...
Image Builder Impact Intelligent Recommendations Internet Analyzer IoT Operations IoT Central IoT Hub IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service Key Vault Kubernetes Configuration Lab Services Load balancer Log Analytics Logic Apps Machine Learning Maintenance Managed Applications Managed DevOps Pools Managed Grafana Ma...
Note: You could also run the scripts as part of your image management procedure e.g. Azure image Builder (AIB) or Azure DevOps. Important information before running the tool There aresettings defaultdisabledwhen you run the scrip out of the box such as AppX Packages for th...
如需詳細資訊,請參閱 VM Image Builder 網路功能概觀。建置完成後,將會刪除暫存資源群組和儲存體帳戶以外的所有資源。 您可以藉由刪除映像範本資源加以移除,也可將其保留以再次執行組建。如需更多範例、逐步指南、設定範本和解決方案,請移至 VM Image Builder GitHub 存放庫。